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Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 11:40 am
by Yekarah
I am curious to know for those who can already astral travel, (especially those who have been doing it for a while), if they have ever astral traveled with their pets i.e ther cat/s, dog/s, etc ?
If so, what was the experience like for both of you?
Have your pets had astral encounters with your spirit companions?
Have any of you at least witnessed your pets astral projecting in their sleep?


Re: Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:25 pm
by Kitsune
I do most of my astral traveling via dreamwalking. One afternoon my cat Sake fell asleep against my back as I was laying down for a nap. We ended up going to a fair/exhibition of some sort in a place with archetexture that resembled Japan. It was fun, and at one point I was trying to eat spaghetti and meatballs with a fork and failing miserably to the point where it was all over the floor. XD We had a lot of fun looking at all the booths and the technologies and crafts on display. Near the end they had a firework show and we saw a big full moon in the sky.

Re: Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 4:44 pm
by Yekarah
Kitsune wrote:I do most of my astral traveling via dreamwalking. One afternoon my cat Sake fell asleep against my back as I was laying down for a nap. We ended up going to a fair/exhibition of some sort in a place with archetexture that resembled Japan. It was fun, and at one point I was trying to eat spaghetti and meatballs with a fork and failing miserably to the point where it was all over the floor. XD We had a lot of fun looking at all the booths and the technologies and crafts on display. Near the end they had a firework show and we saw a big full moon in the sky.
It sounds like you two had a lot of fun! I should try let my cat sleep on my back next time. :devil:P

Re: Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:00 am
by Passemoon
Well I suppose lucid dreaming is one state of astral travelling. My cat posh appeared once with me in a vivid dream involving lighthouse, thunder, lightning, crashing waves. She emerged safe and sound after the whole ordeal shaking water from her fur. Pretty bad ass of her if u ask me since cats are supposedly terrified of water lol

Re: Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:03 am
by User3246
Very interesting to hear all this! I have interacted with dead cats' ghosts, but only while awake. One jumped on my bed and laid against me like she did when she was alive and scared the piss outta me! Another yowled and I saw his ghostly form on the couch after I had him put to sleep. This second one was the one the ex hurt so bad I had no other choice. :(

Re: Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:09 pm
by User1265455
When my cat Velcrow (He sticks to people and he shouts a lot - the misspelling is deliberate) was younger, he traveled with me. He's not the brightest cat. He's got a big heart, instead of any brains. I love him for his heart, but when he traveled with me, he would run straight into danger and I always panicked.

One time he scared me so bad (we were in a place where, when the sun went down, everything instantly froze hard, and so everyone hid in towers, and they went indoors well before sunset, and I was rushing to get into a tower and he shot out the door and under the stairs to the entry, and I just... freaked) that when we woke up, I actually cried on him. I was so sure he was going to die.

He never traveled with me again after that, and I'm very glad he doesn't. There's so much of Astral that just isn't safe. :( :devilshock: :scareddevil:

Re: Astral traveling with your pets?

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:10 pm
by Yekarah
Nyctophilia Raven wrote:When my cat Velcrow (He sticks to people and he shouts a lot - the misspelling is deliberate) was younger, he traveled with me. He's not the brightest cat. He's got a big heart, instead of any brains. I love him for his heart, but when he traveled with me, he would run straight into danger and I always panicked.

One time he scared me so bad (we were in a place where, when the sun went down, everything instantly froze hard, and so everyone hid in towers, and they went indoors well before sunset, and I was rushing to get into a tower and he shot out the door and under the stairs to the entry, and I just... freaked) that when we woke up, I actually cried on him. I was so sure he was going to die.

He never traveled with me again after that, and I'm very glad he doesn't. There's so much of Astral that just isn't safe. :( :devilshock: :scareddevil:

Wow. that sounds quite scary indeed - some places are probably just not ideal for visiting with ones pets/animal companions.