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'lost time" at work tonight.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:37 am
by Passchendaele
An interesting thing happened tonight while I was at work. It was my last task of the day, something I do everyday, so there is quite a bit of "wool gathering" while I do things my body has memorized. I'll use moments like this to work on problems in a story I'm writing , trying to think out a solution to some bit of interpersonal "drama" from a co-worker, things like that. I have 2 1/2 to 3 hours to do this task, so I normally check the clock often to make sure I get it all done.

Tonight, I look at the clock, it was a bit after midnight. Solid hour and a half to finish up and put all the equipment away. At that moment I was walking to Procedure Room 2. I am walking out of that room when something in my brain "clicks" My immediate thought was, and this is a quote, "You're wandering around aimlessly, focus and get back to work."

I do that, looking at the clock a minute or two later. It's one-ten AM. I look around and there was no way that an hours worth of work had been done. I work fast. Hardly anything had been done. I thought about the "click" and I realized what it was, it was my complete consciousness returning to the Material Plane from other levels of reality.

I had a rather spectacular demonstration of this back the summer of 1984. Spectacular because I remembered every detail of where "I" went. I still do. It's when I learned we are all multi-dimensional. Existing on several dimensions simultaneously. I've told one board member about that, but, frankly, I'm tired of being told that "somebody needs his meds reformulated. (wink wink)"

But... where did "I" go? My entire consciousness moved to another Plane while my body safely ran on "auto pilot", in an area of the hospital where I was alone and would not be disturbed. The click happened with a pronounced "returning to my body" sensation, although it might be more accurate to say my consciousness "re- focused" itself here to the Material Plane since "I" never went anywhere.

But I have zero memory of what I did on whatever Plane for the hour I was there. That it might be tied to my realization over the last couple of weeks that a woman I have been working with for about 5 years may be a bit "other" than human and that she has gone to Great Lengths to hid that specifically from me, is not a coincidence.

That I have been sexually attracted to her since we first met is neither here nor there. That lately I have had a strong emotional attraction to her is new, and a pain in the ass. Did I mention that I'm married? And I like it that way, with my Taurus Sun and having been born in the year and the month of the Dog?

There is NO greater crime in my book than betrayal. Nothing. And I am not about to start cooking up excuses to get a divorce. (OVER-SHARE ALERT) Even though my wife has cheated on me.

And now, The Kicker. I don't think she has been aware of her "other-ness" on anything close to a conscious level, but now she is moving that way. And I "just happen" to find myself....alright, I'll say it. I think I'm falling in love with her, as she "comes into her own"

Or maybe I'm just projecting. Doesn't this sound like your typical dick-wad fantasy of a guy who is a little to full of himself? I dunno. Life can be confusing sometimes.

Re: 'lost time" at work tonight.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 8:38 am
by Passemoon
Indeed.... life is very confusing, befuddling, mind-screwing at times........ makes you want to hurl a fire ball :glaredevil: