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November Service: Banish & Transform

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:39 am
by Heidi
I am very happy to announce Unseen Seraph's November Community Service: Banish & Transform!

This is your chance to participate in a very special community ceremony meant to banish all the things that have been holding you back!

November has always been a special month for me. This time of the year in general and especially this month has always been the time of the year when I take a good look at life and my goals.

What is holding me back? Where am I sabotaging myself without even realizing it? What am I not willing to acknowledge, that if I acknowledge its existence it would stop hindering me and would start helping me instead? What am I afraid of? What do I want to let go of and not carry into the new year with me?


You feel there are things holding you back and you are struggling to let go of them

You have fears and insecurities and you know that if you could somehow let go of or lessen, your life would be much easier and you would be able to do things you can't currently bring yourself to do

You experience jealously and envy towards other people who have what you don't and at the same time you can't figure out why they succeeded where you couldn't

You just made a life change (changed jobs, left a long-term relationship etc) and you want to clear the emotional and energetic ties to the situation you left behind so that you can move forward

You are thinking of making a life change and want to clear the things that are keeping you tied to where you are now, so that you can more easily move forward and make the desired change

You want someone else to do magic on your behalf, either as a stand-alone ritual or as a powerful support to your own magic and spells for the same goals

In addition to participating in the ritual, you are going to receive a 10-page booklet with things you can do to increase the effectiveness of the ritual, as well as an extremely powerful meditation you can use any time you want to create a big shift in your life!

This is a limited-time offer, only available until November 22. I may or may not offer this again.

Click here to sign up for the Banish & Transform Service