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Sensory Grounding and Energy Work

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:12 am
by User1265455
In a conversation on Discord, a member mentioned that when they ground, they physically feel their roots growing. This is actually something that I think everyone could benefit from, so I decided I would write something on the topic.

Scientifically speaking, we have a lot more than five senses, and that list is growing daily. However, for the purpose of this exercise I'm going to stick with the five physical senses that most people know well.

The first sense, probably the best sense for this exercise, is the sense of touch.

From other posts, and from Akelta's PDF on the subject, you should already know how to ground and center. For this exercise, I want you to try to ground and center, but feel it happen physically. If you use the imagery of growing roots, I want you to try and feel those physical roots, pushing into the earth. Whatever imagery you use to ground, whatever element you ground into, I want you to work on physically sensing that attachment, and the benefits you gain from it. Because the purpose of grounding is to release old or used energy, sink excess energy, and draw energy into you from another source, so that your working doesn't take so much out of you, when you are working on feeling the physical sensation of your attachment to your chosen ground, try to feel those things happening.

Pay attention not only to your "roots," but also to your physical body. What changes happen to the rest of you? How does grounding feel to you physically?

Move on to the other senses when you feel you've got a decent grasp on this. Work to smell changes, or taste them. Try to see them. Try to hear them. Touch is going to be the easiest, I think, but the others might give you some interesting experiences.

How can this be used in energy work? This is quite simple... developing psychic and energetic connections with your physical senses will broaden your awareness, developing your psychic abilities further. Using physical senses in your magick will deepen the magick, and the subsequent effects of it, because you are no longer just working in the astral and spiritual worlds, but also in the physical. Your energy work will, therefore, have a much more immediate effect.

Let me know how this goes for you. I'm curious.

Re: Sensory Grounding and Energy Work

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:02 am
by Mellowsloth29
My experience while trying this exercise was a good one. When I started to imagine roots pushing out and spreading out and news one's coming I can feel vibrations all around my root chakra.

Re: Sensory Grounding and Energy Work

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 8:29 pm
by Mist
Using the "roots" imagery was extremely helpful - I was able to really ground myself with this technique. Thank you!

Re: Sensory Grounding and Energy Work

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:36 pm
by ImpQueen

Re: Sensory Grounding and Energy Work

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:59 pm
by Blckmagickx
Bump. Nice exercise. I'll try it out.