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Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:22 am
by User1265455
Choose a body part - I prefer to pick a hand.

Enter the state in which you See/Sense best. From here on out, when I say Look - I mean look with sight or sense with sight. This exercise requires looking without touching - if you have issues please @me or Telomar for help or to answer questions.

Look at your hand. First, look at the skin. Notice the energy and the health of the skin. Now, look beneath the skin. Look at the muscles and tendons. Notice the health and energy of these. Now look below, to the bones. Notice the health and energy. Now look deeper - notice the veins and arteries. See the blood flowing. Notice the energy and health of these systems. Now look at the nerves. Notice the energy and health of this system.

Slowly back out. Center and ground. What did you notice? Did you see things you think should be repaired? Consider how you might go about that.

Do not do any repairs for this exercise. Document your experience and post it on the forum here:

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:22 am
by User1265455
Yesterday we practiced seeing the physical structures of the body. Today we're going to focus on the energetic. Looking at the same body part that you chose yesterday (I chose a hand), today, look at the shimmer of the physical/magnetic aura just above the skin. Check for weak spots, and for flares. How do the weak spots and flares relate to what you saw in the physical structures yesterday? Move on to the major chakra of that body part. What does the chakra look like? Do you notice any dark spots, or paling of color? What about the size of the chakra? Now move into the channels of the chakra. Do you see any clogs? Do you see any weaknesses within the channels that move energy from this chakra to both the minor chakras, and the rest of the body? Now follow those channels to the minor chakras in the area you are looking at. Are they bright, overly bright, or dim? Do they show signs of being blocked? Compare the minor chakras you are looking at with a map of that body part's acupressure points and nerve clusters to find out if any are missing, or if they're out of place.

Remember to look without touching, and do no repairs today.

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:23 am
by User1265455
Today's Healing Exercise -

Again, choose the body part you wish to focus on. I'm sticking with the hand. This time, instead of looking at the physical structures and the energetic structures, we're going to delve into the purely structureless energies.

First, focus on the aura of the body part which you are most familiar with. For some this will be the personality aura, for others the magnetic aura, for others the spiritual. Whichever layer you are most comfortable with, start there.

Now, focus on changing the vibration at which your sight is functioning to both higher and lower frequencies, in order to see other layers of the aura. This may require an entire mental/spiritual shift of your energies.

The aura is a 5th dimensional energy. This means that it has depth, height, width, moves through time, and also has extradimensionality, which ALSO has depth, width, height, and moves through time.(edited)
The dimensional shifting is the most difficult for a lot of healers, so take your time. See as many layers as you can see, and take notes.

Remember to move into the body, as well as around and above it. Remember to look for low vibrational auras, and high.

What do the layers look and feel like? What is their purpose? Do they have any weak spots, any smudging or astral clingers? Do they have any blockages? What might those blockages represent?

If you look at the layer of an aura and define what part of the person it relates to, and then look at the blockage as it relates to that type of aura, you can tell what's really needed to resolve the issue - even if it's not something you as the healer can repair, but that the person must work to repair on their own. Sometimes, you can also see ways that you can guide that person into that healing.

Remember to take notes of what you see, look without touching - and do no healing on the layers today.

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:30 am
by User1265455
If you have not already read my articles on chakras, you will need to start there, or these exercises won't make any sense. Here is the link to all my chakra lessons:

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:09 am
by User1265455
Ok, so the exercises of last month were to teach you how to see physical structures, the chakras and channels, and the auras.

Today, I want to talk about some very basic healing techniques.
Firstly... you will need to know your colors. A brief explanation of colors and their meanings when it comes to chakras and the auras can be found here: ... ead-auras/

Each of those sites gets more complex, so start with the first link and work your way through all the colors.

Why is it important to understand colors when healing? Colors tell you what the problem is, and colors are the solution.

For example, if someone has a muddy yellow, then you know this person has trouble with communicating their thoughts, shuts down easily, and probably has some confidence issues related to or causing that communication dysfunction. If the muddy yellow is also seen with a corresponding deep, sick green, then you're looking at someone who takes everything personally. If that person has a blue that swirls and if those swirls are darker colors which look nauseating, then you're looking at a person who likes to use emotionally verbal attacks to manipulate people.

What's the solution to that host of issues? Aside from therapy, the solution to clearing an aura is two-fold.

First, you want to cleanse and clarify the colors so that they become pure. Using white to flush and detox the aura works well, but so does simply "grabbing" the color and convincing it to change for you.

Secondly, you want to reach into the root of the issue and bring it up to the foreground so that the person can start to resolve it in their daily life. It's important to ask for permission and also to warn them that trials and change are coming. They have to be WILLING to work on these issues, or bringing them into their consciousness will only result in further retreat.

When you've got permission, then you'll CAREFULLY bring the root out, and connect it to their daily life. Surround the root with gentle flowing energy that slowly rubs it away, and connect THAT to their daily life.
Sometimes, you cannot fix or change an aura. At that point, tell the client that this issue is something you cannot fix, because they're not ready, or not willing. Give them the information and LEAVE IT IN THEIR HANDS.

Never forget that while you are a facilitator, the true healing happens because the person you are working with takes responsibility for their healing, and makes changes in themselves to support it. You cannot change people, you can only guide them.

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 5:27 am
by User1265455
Let's talk more about healing with color.

This talks about pain being a sulfur color. So when you're dissolving pain, you want to use a color that will change sulfur into the color that you feel it should be.

Sulfur is a yellow and orange color, so using blue or purple would balance out the issue - however you have to be careful, because certain blues can actually change the area to grey, which encourages depression and can deepen physical pain by adding an emotional aspect. Physical pain is often caused by inflammation. Inflammation reacts best to either cold colors (blue) or warm colors (reds). This can change with the type of pain, and also the type of person, so going with your instincts is good. You can also massage the areas where you find blockages or tightened flows. Energetic massage is an excellent technique, especially combined with color therapy.

How would you treat the other issues when those colors show up in the aura?

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 5:18 pm
by User1265455
Ok, so last week, and the previous weeks, we talked about narrowing your focus. We looked at the physical structures, vs the energetic structures, vs the aura.

Now we're going to talk about two things... WHY we narrow our focus, and WHEN we should WIDEN our focus.

Ok, so I want you to go back and look at the part of the body you were looking at before. I chose the hand, but you can choose any part of the body - however for the sake of simplicity I'm going to keep using the hand as my example, so just replace the word hand with the word for whichever section of the body you're looking at.

Now. Look at your hand, and view the skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves. Now widen your focus and look at the chakras and channel. Widen your focus again, and look at the aura, first the physical and slowly widening to include the other auras.

What's the first thing you notice when you do this? Is it the subtle interplay between the layers, or is it just that there's too much to see and you're completely overwhelmed and now having difficulty seeing anything at all?

There is usefulness in viewing multiple layers because you DO see the interplay... but eventually you stop being able to see the forest for the trees.

Narrow your focus back down again, and then widen your focus back out. Do this until you feel comfortable switching between the layers, and until you achieve some relative comfort in seeing more than one layer at a time, and can perceive some interplay between the layers.

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:27 pm
by User1265455
This week, we're going over various healing techniques.

For this you will need a chi ball with a compression charge. Rub your hands vigorously, summoning energy between your palms. As you slowly pull your hands apart, focus that energy into a dot inside the space. Pour energy into it, and when it's the size of a ball, press it inward, compress the energy. Now you should have a dot. Begin moving the dot side to side, faster and faster until it makes a line. Add energy as needed to do this. When you have a line, begin spinning the line to make a plate, adding energy as you go. When you have a plate, begin flipping the plate to make a ball. Add more energy as you go. When you have a ball, compress it. Add more energy, and compress it again. Do this until you feel the ball cannot take any more energy.

This chi ball is going to become your test buddy. We're going to treat it like we would a chakra, and use it to teach you how to do the things you would normally do to a chakra or aura or body which has an issue.

To begin with, make a note of how your chi ball appears to you.

1) Looking without Touching
Being able to see, without interacting with, objects that radiate energy is sensible. For one, you do not want to touch what you don't yet understand and may thus not be safe for you. For two, when working on another living being, their structures, as you have seen in previous exercises, can be quite complex and delicate. Being able to look without touching that delicate machinery is vital if you do not wish to harm your client.

There are two methods you can try. The first method is to stretch your aura to encompass that which you want to see, and thus see it using your aura. The second is to project your consciousness, and only your consciousness, holding your power back completely. Practice both to see which one suits you better.

2) Flushing
Flushing is a basic tool which does exactly what it says. Visualize a wash of light in front of you. The light goes from the top where it's very bright, to the bottom where it is very dark light. It's important that you be able to use both light and shadow for this technique because not every person will respond to light as a healing tool - some people may be damaged by it, so knowing how to work with shadow light is useful.

Let the light run through your chi ball, and flush out all the toxins and old energy, all the sludge. When you have done this, note how your ball appears now.

3) Energy Massage
Check your ball for areas where the energy is thicker, and areas where the energy is thinner. We're going to treat the thicker energy as a type of block. Rather than remove it, because it's merely collected energy, and not stagnant yet, we're going to massage it back into the ball, to create an evener texture throughout the ball. Make sure that you massage very gently, or you may damage the ball and need to start over. Take note of the chi ball's appearance now that you have evened out the energies.

4) Calming, Soothing, and Smoothing
This technique, when taught live, requires the teacher to manipulate your chi ball into a texture. However, if you examine your chi ball, you may notice it already has textures of its own. The task is to gently, using your will, calm the energy ripples, soothing it and even using massage to smooth the energy into an even flow. Note the chi ball's appearance once you have completed this task.

5) Removal, repair, and speeding growth
These are the main healing tools for severe damage.

First of all, check your chi ball for energies that you feel do not belong. Study it closely, magnify your sight until you can see the atoms of it, or even the strings of it, as you search for these energies. The next step is to, very gently, reach into the area where you have found the energies that do not belong. You can urge the surrounding energy to push out the block, you can use suction, you can, if it's solid enough, pull it out gently.

Now you have a wound where the energy that you've removed was. Slowly gather the wound together, and seal it shut. Smooth over the seal on both sides, so that it was never wounded. Dig into the cells and encourage them to speed up so that healing is done faster. Allow the ball to flush toxins resulting from the sped up growth. Do all this will willpower. Note the appearance of your chi ball when you're finished.

6) Purging
Purging is the technique by which you squeeze toxins out of an energy structure, and into a physical cleansing structure that already exists. Because we're dealing with a chi ball and not a body, this is not something you can practice today, but purging is usually done when toxins build up very quickly during a speed heal. The toxins can be flushed through the lungs (your client will cough), through the stomach (your client will burp, and may vomit if the toxins are nasty enough), through the blood, liver, and kidneys (your client will have to pee), or through the small intestine (your client will probably get diarrhea within half an hour).

7) Color Manipulation
By now your chi ball should have a set color that has developed. Take note of this color - what colors, when added, will make your chi ball healthier? What colors will make it less so? Once you have experimented with the colors a little, take time to remove or change the color of the ball so that the colors that are the wrong vibration for it no longer exist within it, and the colors that create positive change begin to develop. The removal is done by drawing the color out, the change is done by willpower, and the addition is done also by willpower.

8) Vibratory Shifting
Everything in the universe rings with a vibration. From the moment of the big bang, everything speeding away from that point has been ringing with the sound. Even atoms continue to sing the song of birth and death. These vibrations change in intensity, moving from gamma waves to brain waves, getting longer as they go. Within that vibratory existence are colors, sounds, smells and flavors, and touch as well.

Note the vibration of your chi ball. Lower vibration tends to clog, and higher vibration tends to be uplifting. Slowly, gently, tune your ball upwards to a higher frequency than it is at right now. Stop when the ball begins to drag. Note its new appearance.

9) Balancing
Put your hands to either side of your chi ball. Every body which exists in the universe, from the very large red stars to the very small atoms, has a polarity. That polarity moves, shifts, but it exists. The goal of this exercise is to bring that polarity in your chi ball into balance within itself. Balance it from left to right, from front to back, from top to bottom, and from inside to outside. Slide the energy back and forth until it settles evenly on all axes.

10) Expanding
This is the last step in dealing with troublesome blockages. Expand the ball without adding any extra energy. As you expand it to the size of your body, you will notice that any blockages not previously dealt with will pop loose when you release the ball back to its original shape.

It is time to absorb the chi ball back into your own energy. Expand it again, and step into it, allowing the energy to merge with your aura.

Final exercise - disconnection.
Disconnection is important because a healer cannot maintain connections with every client, or they end up stagnating in the excess energy, constantly drained. A proper disconnection is always important. First, disconnect yourself from the client - brush their aura of any clinging strands, and as you draw them off, see them go up in a burst of light, back into the universe. Check their chakras for any connections not useful for them, draw them out of the person, and release them the same way. Then, check your own aura and chakras for any connections that are not useful to you, and draw those out of you, and do the same. Lastly, settle any imbalance between yourself and your client. Remember that not being paid is an imbalance, and can create addiction or overuse.

Good healing hygiene is very important. Here are some helpful tips.
Always ground and center before and after a working.
Make sure that both you and the client eat after the working, and that you and your client get plenty of fluids. When healing happens, your blood sugar can drop by as much as 30 points, so eating afterward is vital, and as the body heals, a lot of detoxes happen, so giving it plenty of fluids to help flush your system is also important.
Practice creating astral gloves, and an astral clean suit. Make sure that it is impermeable to even atomic structures. This is so you have a method to protect yourself from really bad muck.
Create an astral clean room, for people you're working on long distance who are particularly difficult. A clean room allows you to work without worrying that their mess will get out, but also clean rooms can have tables that do the viewing for you, and properly programmed can search for and show you areas that need your attention. View Yhvrel's cleanroom tables for examples.
Always disconnect from a client when your service is over. Disconnect them from you, and yourself from them.

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:53 am
by User1265455
The Root Chakra

Main characteristics at a glance:

Colors - Red, brown, mauve
Number of Petals - 4
Element - Earth
Sense - Smell
Body - Physical
Key Issues - Sexuality, Lust, Obsession
Physical Location - Perineum between the anus and genitals, the petals opening downwards, the stem facing upwards into the central column
Key Words and Concepts - Rootedness, incarnation, acceptance, self-preservation, concept, life-force energy, connection to the earth and material world, stability, initiating new beginnings
Developmental Age - 0-3/5 years, 50-56 years
Associated Spinal Area - Fourth sacral vertebra
Physiological System - Reproductive
Endocrine Gland - Gonads
Nerve Plexus - Sacral-coccygeal
Inner Aspect - Grounding spiritual energies
Physical Action - Sexuality
Mental Action - Stability
Emotional Action - Sensuality
Spiritual Action - Security
Bija Mantra - Lam
Musical Note - Deep C
Quieting Fragrances - Cedarwood, patchouli, myrrh
Stimulating Fragrances - Musk, lavender, hyacinth
Crystals and Gemstones - Smoky quartz, garnet, alexandrite, ruby, agate, bloodstone, onyx, tiger's eye, rose quartz
Calming Crystal - Emerald
Balancing Crystal - Carnelian
Yoga Asanas - Warrior, triangle, eagle

The root chakra is most concerned with connecting us to the here and now, to our physical bodies, the physical plane, and to the earth. It's important to understand that the root is fully developed by five years of age, but continues to be influenced until seven years. Problems that stem from an unsupported root begin at those ages.

While physically, sexual stimulation excites the root, this is merely the biological imperative. If you do not feel rooted into your body and the here and now, it's difficult to be conscious in your interactions with life here, and life becomes more of a burden. If you do not accept that you are in a human body for this life, then becoming rooted in the physical has an additional layer of challenge. The root chakra is strongly connected to instinctual behavior - thus it's connection to the biological imperative of sexuality. It controls fear as well as confidence in the body and the world - a person who is overly inhibited, or a person who is constantly over-extending themselves physically, shows an imbalance in the root. Disconnection from the root can cause a lack of sexual desire and often underperformance or inability to perform sexual acts. The root also requires a sense of stability and security to develop correctly. It is tied into the physical senses, so deficiencies in any of the senses can indicate an issue with the root. Look especially for issues with the sense of smell. Lastly, the root imbues a strong sense of play, which helps the development of conceptual thinking. If you have difficulties with either a sense of play or conceptual thought, working on your root will help to change this.

To work with your root chakra, meditate with the appropriate gemstones, use massage techniques with essential oils, practice the hatha yoga poses, chant the mantra, use a crystal singing bowl tuned to low c, hum the note, or chant the note using the mantra.

Exercises -

1) Collect colored pens, pencils, or crayons, and a sheet of white paper. Connect to your root chakra. As you breathe into the chakra, try to get a sense of its colors. When you feel ready, staying in that meditative state, try to put what you experienced onto paper with the colored pens, pencils, or crayons. This exercise will have opened your chakra up slightly. Allow it to close naturally, without closing completely. Once it has settled, visualize a circle of protected light around it. You may want to add a pentagram, cross of light, or DZ symbol as an additional protective measure.

2) Repeat the above exercise, but this time instead of colors, try to get a sense of images, symbols, memories, fragrances or sounds. When ready, close the chakra with the circle of light.

3) Write a guided meditation to connect to the various concepts of the root chakra visually. Include things such as grounding into the eart, connecting to the senses, connecting to the physical plane. I like to experience sunlight as part of mine.

4) Contemplate how your sense of smell helps you interpret the world, and how the sense of smell affects the world's perceptions of you.

5) Work with the essential oils of the root chakra, connecting strongly to your sense of smell.

6) In a meditative state, breathe color into your root chakra to modify it to a strong, rosy red. See the chakra and the colors you breathe into it as clear, like stained glass.

7) Think about the circumstances of your birth and the life you have lived until now. Consider how the choices of yourself and others have created your path and influence your incarnation as a human being this lifetime.

8) Create an affirmation to meditate with for the root chakra.

Homework - Discover the mudra (hand position) for the root chakra. Practice the meditative exercises with the mudra and without it, and note the differences between experiences.

The Chakra Bible by Patricia Mercier
Working with Your Chakras by Ruth White

Re: Healing Exercises For Beginners

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 2:51 am
by Zygimantas Puze
Thank you for these exercises. Really helpful! So many exercises here WOW!