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Visit from unknown entity

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:03 am
by Obsidian Goddess
I just had a strange experience a bit ago and wonder what anyone may think about it. I work from home, graveyard shift, answering phones. There is often lots of time between calls and I usually listen to music, watch videos, etc. Tonight I was listening to music on YouTube, and it was on auto play... Satan and Suns video with Belial’s Enn came on and I just decided to let it play even though I had no real reason to. I just didn’t feel like getting up, and Belial is my Patron Demon so I just like feeling his essence near me now and then as He makes me feel safe and secure. After the Enn was over my IPad just went to home screen and everything became cold and silent, then there was this dark shape like a big cat moving about the room. I didn’t startle and at first sort of thought it was one of my pets (I have 3 cats and 3 dogs) but then all 6 of my pets came into the room on full alert, with their attention on the entity. The dogs didn’t bark or growl, and the cats didn’t run away, but they all just watched. So did I, and there was no sense of fear. It moved strangely, first appearing in one area of the room, then another... but it wasn’t like I could see it in the process of moving, but more like teleporting. It seemed curious, and mischievous but harmless... almost child-like in character. After a bit I had to answer a call and it left, but now I feel Belial’s energy very strongly. He doesn’t seem to be trying to communicate anything specific, he’s just here. His presence feels comforting at the moment and I am going to sign out of work and try to get some sleep, but I am so curious about this experience and what others take on it may be.

Re: Visit from unknown entity

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:34 pm
by Red6joker
If you dont feel threatened or scared I wouldn't worry to much, but thats me.