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Random Splurps about the Astral I've learned

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 1:50 pm
by Eneko
So you know the myth "if you get hurt or such in the astral it'll be the same for your physical body because when you astral travel you're moving your physical body into another plane", if you weren't aware it was a myth yet, it so very much so is a big myth.

If you go at it from this mindset you're not going to ever achieve Astral travel/projection because you're not moving your actual vessel into the plane.

We are always in the astral in our ethereal forms, it's simply the matter of realizing what all of the energy around you is you and how to move yourself. How to connect yourself to that form.

This is why when people ask what they should do because the "classic" astral projection methods are not working: I suggest learning energy work/manipulation and learn how to open, clean & regulate their chakras.

This will make it so much easier to move around astrally and connect yourself all together. Not only will this help with your astral endeavors, but it will also help for a more controlled and easier practice of Magick. With basic energy work you'll realize how much energy you wasted on a general area instead of the direct spell, ritual or sigil, while raising energy for an area is also important you don't want to waste this energy. Especially if you are someone who regularly cleanses their work space!

With your chakras open it'll be easier to feel and analyze energies, making energy work all that smoother and more effective.

Astral Sight:
It's not just one sight at a time. As I said earlier "you're not moving your actual vessel into the plane" so why would it take your whole physical vision? Trick question, it doesn't. We are constantly in the astral, just like our nose we ignore it when we see. To see into the astral you need to focus on your ethereal body and senses, not your physical eyes.

The astral or anything spiritually will and should not take your entire sight, it should be more like when photo overlapping. A main picture (your physical sight) then a mostly transparent picture (spiritual sight) overtop of the main.

You are connecting to something you normally ignore and close yourself off to, just like when you try looking at your nose without a reflection, you will see it but also see through it. It will not take your entire vision so when it takes you awhile to focus on the astral and you still see the physical plane, don't get frustrated or feel like you're failing because you're not, so long as you can see it and your energy or astral form move on command you're doing great!

Also more short splurps

•You will heal faster in the astral so don't be afraid to spar or get a little rough, so long as your core isn't destroyed and your being eaten completely you will eventually heal

•Sexual deviancy is a giant thing astrally, you're going to most likely see and experience it. Get over it

•There are areas ruled by different authorities and restricted from outsiders, don't be surprised if you're taken to a "court", trialed and charged for something like trespassing or just straight up get your ass whooped and(or) kicked out of an area

•There are a shit ton of different entities, you're gonna see weird forms a lot and some entities you thought didn't exist.

•Just because you're not focusing on your astral body and consiously doing stuff doesn't mean your astrally not doing shit. You'll still be doing shit with or without your consciousness, so don't be surprised if you check in and you're somewhere else doing something totally different.