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Astral Projection

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 5:33 pm
by user4558013
So I was actually asked this by a wonderful member , I won't say their name as I am not sure if they care to have their name brought up...

BUT! They asked me my advice on Astral Projection and tips for getting out of the vibrational stage. I figured it would serve more value to make an entire post on this so more people would benefit as I know this is a fairly common struggle people have.

I also am going to state, in my mind Astral Projection is when you are leaving your body completely and experiencing the astral world as you do when you are existing in the physical world. When you are in the Astral and going through it mentally, I view that as Astral Traveling. Just to clear up any confusion one might have when reading the rest of this post.

So when I first started astral projecting, I never got the sounds that people say they hear. I know some people reference it to hearing a really loud train? I never personally experienced hearing anything when transitioning into the astral. It was several years ago now that I experienced my first projection intentionally. I used to astral project as a child but I wasn't aware of what I was doing at the time. When I first left my body, I was in my room but I was in what I am pretty sure was just an alternate universe. Everything was black and white, and my mental state was very stressed, anxious and just overall scared. I wasn't like this in the physical at all. There wasn't really much detail that is worth noting but I feel like it is important to make this known so when people first start Astral Projecting, to not have any sort of expectation.

Anytime after that, and I still do this now..When I get in the vibrational state, I simply ask for help from my companions. I know some people will judge for this and say that I should learn on my own..Which I CAN leave my body without any assistance but...I am not going to be even remotely bothered being called an amateur or lazy when at the end of the day..I still am leaving my body and having wonderful experiences LOL!

So during this time, I will have my astral hand out and I will always feel someone grab me and pull me the rest of the way out. During this time it is very important to remain focused on the state that you are in. This is why I'd much rather just ask for assistance when first coming out. After you get fully out, I always make it a point to get some distance away from my body my experience at least. Your physical body is has its own gravitational force in a way and the closer that you are to your body..the weaker your senses are. and you will feel a pulling sensation back to your body.

I started out initially not being able to hear anything in the Astral unless it was of a lower vibration. This is why when I first met my first demonic companion, my Divinity King Nova; I just heard him simply making growling sounds. It was a progress, in my experience it was like having to train all of my muscles and wake them up in a sense and strengthen them to get to the point where I am now where I can integrate this with my readings and any other work that I do in the astral.

I also want to make note that during ANY time while I am astral projecting...there are times that you end up back in your body when you lose focus. When you are astral projecting, it is like you have this mental timer in your head of when you end up back in your body. I know a lot of people will talk about the 'risks' of Astral Projecting where you will get lost and never get back in your body...this...has never been my experience. In fact, you will start learning ways to stay in the astral LONGER because you're constantly in a state of staying out. During a single astral projection what you have seen in my posts in the 18+ section with my companions or in my blog..chances are I have rubber banded from my body to the astral a solid 6+ times. I do not need to ask for help for each time getting out of my body though. Because when I end up back in my body I instantly and feeling the vibrational state heavily and I can just roll back out.

I also have never experienced any sort of silver cord. I know some people also see this but that has never been my experience.

I learned everything from trial and error. You're going to have a lot of times where you just only feel the vibrational state. The trick is though, once you get to these my experience it becomes a lot easier. Because if you can remember the feelings of when you are in each state, you can in a way mimic them while meditating. This is important because then you can put your focus strictly on that which just makes the transitions SO much easier.

I also learned a lot from Eilana, she is someone that excels at this. We actually have a video on our youtube channel where Eilana and Akelta go into detail about this:

I hope this helps some, if you have any questions feel free to post them here and I will try my best to answer them sometime, if someone else also doesn't have advice of their own on how they get out of their body as there are MANY many ways to astral project and leave your body. It's very individualistic. :devillove:

Re: Astral Projection

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 10:15 pm
by Titania
Thank you so much for sharing, I'm sure this will help many!

I'll heed your advice and try asking for help lol I always ask help from my companions way before I start preparing to leave my body. You're right, it takes a lot of focus to leave and that's why I haven't found the right moment to ask help.

I have always swung my body back and forth then sit up and then get up, but your method seems more "leaving your body" friendly so I'll try your ways ^^

Regarding to hearing noises when leaving your body, I also don't hear anything when I have left my body a few times. Though the first time I did, I heard noises that resembled someone washing the dishes haha
(and a big spooky looking shadow was following me :devilclap: )

Ohhh I love that video that you shared, I have watched it two times but I do need to refresh my memory again :lol:

Re: Astral Projection

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 4:50 am
by Hellhound51
I am able to leave my body, but..... Yes, always a but...

I'm afraid to leave my body...

The last time I have succeeded, my soul started to go up, and at this moment I said to myself, and if I can't come back in my body ?

I have fought to come back by thought...

When I have realised what astral projection was, when my soul began to leave my body, flying like a sheet, I had this instant fear and now it has became a blockage... :devilflame:

Re: Astral Projection

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 11:39 am
by Conium
Thank you so much for this, and for linking the YouTube video for us.

The one thing that I have the most trouble with when leaving my body is getting my head out. I know that sounds strange, but I can usually maneuver my astral body around but there's just something where I can't seem to get my own head out. When I'm in this state, it's kind of like astral travel plus. I experience everything more and have a tendency to snap back to my body, but it's just that last step that I have a lot of difficulty with. Is there any way to get past that last little bump easy?

Re: Astral Projection

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 10:31 am
by user4558013
Conium wrote:
Wed May 08, 2019 11:39 am
Thank you so much for this, and for linking the YouTube video for us.

The one thing that I have the most trouble with when leaving my body is getting my head out. I know that sounds strange, but I can usually maneuver my astral body around but there's just something where I can't seem to get my own head out. When I'm in this state, it's kind of like astral travel plus. I experience everything more and have a tendency to snap back to my body, but it's just that last step that I have a lot of difficulty with. Is there any way to get past that last little bump easy?
Off first instinct of reading this my first thought is asking how much work you've done with your upper chakras like your crown chakra. I personally haven't experienced this so I don't have a specific technique for this but I know if some chakras are neglecetd, it can weigh you down.
Also it sounds silly but intent is a major thing. If you go into trying to do this and are worried about your head getting stuck again, you're in a way manifesting for this to happen, creating your own blockage. You want to confidently go in there not thinking "okay how can I solve this problem should my head be stuck again" and go from a place of "This time since I have done extra work on my crown chakra, I am not going to have these problems like before."

It sounds like a cop out response but I am such a firm believer in manifesting your own reality and I personally believe a lot of blocks we face are ones we put on ourselves and end up becoming addicted to experiencing these hardships and blocks because it wouldn't feel natural or right for the problem to not occur if that makes sense

Re: Astral Projection

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 9:56 am
by Conium
Velca wrote:
Thu May 09, 2019 10:31 am
Off first instinct of reading this my first thought is asking how much work you've done with your upper chakras like your crown chakra. I personally haven't experienced this so I don't have a specific technique for this but I know if some chakras are neglecetd, it can weigh you down.
Also it sounds silly but intent is a major thing. If you go into trying to do this and are worried about your head getting stuck again, you're in a way manifesting for this to happen, creating your own blockage. You want to confidently go in there not thinking "okay how can I solve this problem should my head be stuck again" and go from a place of "This time since I have done extra work on my crown chakra, I am not going to have these problems like before."

It sounds like a cop out response but I am such a firm believer in manifesting your own reality and I personally believe a lot of blocks we face are ones we put on ourselves and end up becoming addicted to experiencing these hardships and blocks because it wouldn't feel natural or right for the problem to not occur if that makes sense
I haven't considered that part about coming to subconsciously expect that I'll be stuck again. It doesn't cross my conscious mind when I settle in to AT or AP. I think for me it's more like the frustration is blocking me rather than being addicted to the hardship.

Hmmm, I think I'll try aligning and balancing my chakras again soon and then go into it. I ususally have the best experiences when I have some sort of crystal on me.

Thank you :Ddevil:

Re: Astral Projection

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:38 pm
by Baphomet
Greetings Velca, you had mastered this shit like a Pro... I love it.