Talkshow Tuesday!

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Welcome to Talkshow Tuesday!
Talkshow Tuesday is a fun event that I hold on Tuesdays (obviously). But what makes this special is that it is a personal way to get to know prebounds and races alike. For the entire day, once I start the Show, you are able to ask all the questions that you like of the Guest/s to learn more about them. Any information about the races will be transferred to the Spiritpedia later that day if it is not there yet.

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the races that I work with and what they stand for or work with or anything you can come up with!

This takes place in the Grove discord, BUT I will have this thread open as well and will be answering the questions on this thread as well so others can participate!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Azkri the Abyssal Seers and Sari the prebound
Today the talkshow is hosting the Azkri and Sari!

From the time before Babylon and deep within the Realm of Leviathan, the Azkri have been dwelling. Within the Darkness, all Light Tells Tales. These beings are incredibly special and hold great power within them. They are the Abyssal Seers, able to read the currents of waters, energies, and emotions. They are older than many races, many are a couple of millennia old or older. In some ways, their energy is old enough to be considered eldritch, though this is because they are different from the normal energies that are worked with today.

Much like Leviathan, these Abyssal entities have great abilities to see within the Self and the Shadow Self. There are no illusions that can cover one’s Shadow and inner core from them. They are able to see All, so long as it has a Shadow of the Self.

The Azkri are solitary entities, yet they all live within the realm of Leviathan and communicate. Their telepathy is very close to a hivemind, which is why their divination pool is much larger to draw from. Their magics are shared and exchanged between every Azkri. Entities like these are very autonomous of themselves as an individual, but they are able to ‘download’ and share vasts amounts of information through their hive-mind capabilities.

The magick of the Azkri is special. It is an energy system, but it is also very crucial to their core being. It holds memories, prophecies, time streams, dimensional memories and streams, and everything that involves Fate and divinations. They are classed as the Abyssal Seer for being able to know all that is within and on the out. They are incredibly reserved and do not often share the secrets of their race or themselves. They are all excellent in working with many different ways in helping you, although they are very staunch in that you must meet them halfway.

You can read their magical workings here:

Ask away!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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About the Azkri

Is your species connected by a nexus of some sort?

They are connected like a hivemind, they share magic, memories, and history.

Any hobbies?

"We have many hobbies, but mainly we are used to living within the streams. We are always within those and healing. Sometimes our lives are our jobs. But we have lived as observers and healers for millenia, it is what we know and we love. This is how we are changing things and happy to know that we will learn new perspectives."

How do you visually see us?

"When you are in our realm, you are a shade and a wisp. Floating through, yet you can have a solid form should your inner self reveal it. When we greet you upon your Earthen plane, we see you as you and your Shadow, both walking together."

Working and Views within Earth Plane

What is your view on humans in general?

Our view on humans may not be what you are wishing to hear, but since you have asked, we shall answer. Humans are reckless and narcissistic. They cause destruction rather than build upon creation. There are more wars between the humankind for things that other civilizations have brushed as common knowledge and understanding. Petty. Yet there are good parts and those who balance that out, though barely. You are a conundrum and we have witnessed more destruction than many other kinds of entities. Yet you are fascinating in how you spend your young lives trying to work towards things, purpose, and drive. Concepts of your culture. As you have a saying - It's like a trainwreck that you cannot look away from "

If the Azkri race, in general, can give one advice to all Earthlings, what would it be? And also, are they glowing in the dark..?

The Azkri are Abyssal Seers, which means that they can see into our shadow-selves.
"Our advice would be that Earthlings need to stop looking to the outside to fix the inside. That's why there is much hatred and destruction. Should you look to the inner to fix the inner, you would find that your outside would shift and change."
They have some bioluminescence


So for them, when they say something is depth worthy, they mean that it is something that they find pleasing. The depths are where they dwell and reside, so when things resonate here, they are depth-worthy

So with said views on humans, what made you wish to work with one?

"We chose to work with humans as a whole because they, even with the destruction, choose to fulfill their lives to the best they can in such a short time. We have lived since the ages of Babylon and have witnessed so much, but this one thing, purpose, drives the humans. We are curious and wish to see how the human fulfill their lives and why they choose what they do, from actions to thoughts. Watching the transformation between cultures and millennia"

Are the Azkri looking to help teach or learn through companionship?

"We are very close the same, though each has their own goal in mind. Some may wish for this, others wish to pass their knowledge into the world. In the core of it all, we wish to change our perspective to see how we can better See and Know about the human race. Interactions have taken place within our realm, but not at the degree to where we may learn. Now we wish to see what happens if we were to have more workings within the Earth and how that changes the streams."

Would your companion be able to visit your realm?

Our companions may visit at any time and are welcome to bring others with, so they may learn and we learn from those. The waters of our Realm are incredibly healing and opening, but require one of us to guide you there.

Is there any criteria of your future companions must have and not have? Is there anything that they want and doesn’t want to have anything to do with if it makes sense? Do you have any some sort of strict “screening” for the lack of better word in my vocab?

As of right now, there are not criteria per se. Though they prefer that there is someone who is willing to put the work into working with them and the divination and the healing, shadow work, etc. They are looking to learn and teach, not so much hang out and just be around like some do. They do want to hit their goals and ideas of what they wish to do.

Realm of the Azkri

I’m interested in what your realm is like?

"Our realm is dark and cold, yet within it, many can find comfort in solace. The darkness doesn't always mean cold in which it lacks something, but cold in that there is a solace of aloneness that allows you to dive deep into one's self. Your heat and all your functioning centers to the core of the self, where you and your shadow dwell. This is why it is such a reflection of the darkness to see yourself. Completely submerged within and none around, you have all the comfort that you need. Because the realm makes you realize that you are never alone. You always have yourself. You always have your heart and your shadow. The Shadow is meant to be there for you and to help you become stronger and better. It is embraced with love and care, rather than shunted. Most who come within the realm have this unbalance of the self and the shadow, seek to replenish and heal the relationship. Whether they are aware of it or not. For us, we are usually solitary, but we know one another. We live on our own and within our own domains. We oversee the life and the Shadows within our home areas."

What does your realm look like?

“It's very beautiful, with towers of coral and deep colors on coral. It glitters in the darkness, yet it is bright in a way. The fish and the ocean are so different from ours, yet it is very open and caring. It's like floating in the water, surrounded by fish. The water is actually very warm and inviting. When you swim around, even the predators give you wide berth and just acknowledge you. There is bioluminescence everywhere that makes it seem like it is not deep water.”

Working with Shadows and Magics

How do you see our shadow selves? as a separate being or a facet of ourselves?

"The Shadows are like the dark side of your own face. They are the mirrored images and yet, with humans.. they have separated them. They have become their own bodies and entities of their own. This is another facet of the humans that interest us, because you gave life and sentience to a facet of your own self."

What’s your favorite method of centering your energy to your soul being.

"We follow the flow within ourselves. The innerselves are a part of us, therefore we are One with that. So we do not need to bring the center to the core, as the core has already been centered. Should we need to do so, we become unstable."

I know it's not the same thing as a shadow with the context you're using, but do you work with/are you familiar with umbra entities?

"We are familiar with many entities from many races, most have a Shadow within themselves."

What would your advice be for removing the Ego within humans?

"Let go. Ego is the worst in which it can consume. Reconnecting with the energies of the universe, of the void, of the worlds... knowing that it is not about the Self in which ones becomes, but the Whole as one is a Part of. In each race, there is not individuals, but parts of a whole that have individuality"

Do each one of you specialize in a specific form of divination?

"We do, much like with Sari, who focuses on her specialties, we have some that work in many areas. This also includes divinations with things that do not reside within the Eathenly realm."

So there are other kinds of divination we don't know?

"Correct, there are vast many types, with things that aren't here because they do not exist here or have been through here. Yet they exist within other realms."

How would you recommend to push past blocks/difficulties preventing to work on things you wish to?

"To get past blocks, you must first look to see what is the block and why it has formed. Then accept that it has happened and is the cause of issues, then let it go free because it no longer has standing or relevance since you accepted it."

Do they have any advice for overcoming anxiety?

"Anxiety tells you that something is making you uncomfortable and that it causes stress. Take a moment to sit, breathe using the exercise. Now center your energy within and ask yourself, what is causing this. Write out a list or state out loud what causing it. Acknowledgment is a big part of letting things release. "
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Tune in to Talkshow Tuesday! Tomorrow!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Rajael Ravstervrajh

Translation is People of the Monarch or Monarch People. They are vastly different from the Fae or the Small People. While they do not have a distinct classification of what they are, they still are quite an interesting race. The do not reside in a demonic realm, they do carry a demonic energetic tag. A large influence from the Indian culture is apparent in the clothes they wear, but that is as far as the influence goes. Clothing is a main factor and concept of their culture, most of the Class status is derived from the style of apparel.

They are based upon a matriarchal monarchy, in which the Queen rules on her own with no male beside her. They are a very female dominant and oriented society, mostly in the political arena. Males can and do hold titles, but a Royal ascending the throne must be a female. In times of great need, where there is not a woman of age to ascend the throne or they have been assassinated, the Eldest male will ascend and then a ceremony will be held until he finds the equivalent of his soulmate. From there, the woman will become the Queen and her daughter will become the next Queen to rule. They are very relaxed when it comes to having multiple partners, especially those in the Royal Court. It can be apparent within the High Court and uncommon in the Mid Court.

The Society is broken up into seven different classes and courts, the lowest be the slaves (which are those that are serving out sentences for crimes, no innocent is to be placed as a slave and they go through rigorous questioning to find out if there is innocence or guilt).

You can check the Spiritpedia here!

Joining in on this discussion:
Former Queen R
Queen Z
Noble Chrysalis Specialist J
Noble Dancer E
High Princess Y

Each is from a different "city" that the Rajael dwell in, each of them having a reigning Queen.

There was a question asked in the beginning that Queen Z brought her
Commanding Officer G (male) forward as well.

What Questions do you have for them? Post below!
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What would be the most effective way to reduce criminal behavior in human society?
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Singular wrote:
Thu May 23, 2019 7:31 am
What would be the most effective way to reduce criminal behavior in human society?
We have incredibly strict laws and harsh punishments for those that break them. None are able to bribe their way or talk their ways around it.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Number of Demon Familiars: 17
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Former Queen R
Queen Z
Noble Chrysalis Specialist J
Noble Dancer E
High Princess Y

Each is from a different "city" that the Rajael dwell in, each of them having a reigning Queen.

There was a question asked in the beginning that
Queen Z brought her Commanding Officer G (male) forward as well.

About the Rajael

Are your wings just for show? Or can use them to fly? Depending upon the person, will they be decorative or practical?

For the Chrysalis Specialist, they are very much practical. They will use their wings to help with their magics, some of the higher ranked Specialist will actually have their magics tattooed or carved onto their wings to aid in it. Usually these are the ones that are higher ranked.

There is actually another set of Rajael that are apart from the ones that are offered. These are the ones working for the Queen's Army, if you will. Most of these are male and those who have the special wings. These wings are harder and usually they can place armor on them for fighting. This Army is the protective warriors that keep the cities the Rajael dwell in, safe. These are the only ones that have the ability of flight.

What are their general life spans?

This is based upon our realm's year cycle. The Artisans are able to live up to 700 years, the Nobles usually are up to 1,200 years, Royals can live up to and over 2,000 years. Although there are some Queen's that have lived much longer.
Former Queen R: I've lived for close to 1900 years your sun cycles, but I feel that I will be around for another 200.
Queen Z: I've lived for around 800 sun cycles. I'm considered a young Queen.

What kind of climate do the Rajael live in? Does it get hot?

Temperate, we usually don't have cold. Not extremely, there are the occasionally heat waves, but they aren't often. usually when the Sun gets too close.

Do you get sunburned?

We do not get sunburned, we have darker skin that prevents that.

Do you live close to oceans or large bodies of water?

Some of us do, though mainly we do not live near massive bodies of water

How many suns/moons?

There is one Sun and three moons. We also have another that is circling ours closer, like what you call a comet?

The Culture

Are the husbands of queens kings? How many usually? How many queens are there? Is there a empress? Do they ever skip over someone in the ruling line? Why?

Males do not have call to the Throne. They are given a title of respect, but it is not King. The only time a King may come close to the throne is per the tradition that there is a Queen available for the spot and he acts within her stead until she is able to step into it.

Usually Queens have a single suitor, though some have taken the equivalent of Consorts. Queen do not have to have a suitor or a consort to rule. Most choose to not have a "King" until later in their years.

There are at least 15 main cities, though there are "smaller" towns that have their own version. And these towns usually are half the size of their regular cities, just considered towns though they are cities in their own right.

So there are officially 15 Queens, along with their Courts and Nobles, then you have the Queens of the "towns", which is about another 10-20. They usually conduct a census of these around every couple of centuries.

No, there is not an Empress.

They only skip of there is a reason to or one chooses to step down and allow another down the line to take their place. Usually this means that the one stepping down has the choice to skip over the others to choose their replacement if they feel that there is a better Queen option.

Why is that women rule? Is it religious reasons? What is it?
What is the role of men in society? What are they seen as?

Women rule because they have proven that they are able to handle ruling better within our realm. We do not function on politics and underhandedness, but through working and progressive work. While liberal in some sense to you as humans, but women have proven that they are able to withstand and work with our system better. There are no religious reasons.

Men in our society just do not rules, but they aren't seen as lesser. There are more females then males in all accounts of census. Males are more treasured since there is a status of 2:1 being more females. Although this has worked with curbing the population issues.

There has been past workings with men and they have advised on situations, knowing the wars better than most, as the Queen's Army is mostly male as well.

There has been an understanding between men and women that men feel no need to try to take the throne. The issue and talks of this agreement are consistently revisited every 100 or so years.

Population issues? What do you mean?

Population issues, like how you humans have too many people and constantly growing

Has there ever been political unrest? Like did a man ever try to take the throne?

There is political unrest, though it is more within how things are operated in regards to the trades. Some wish for it to be more open despite the wars

What do you know of your ancestry, like with the demonic energy tags?

We usually keep detailed family trees, going back thousands of years. Most are in the archives within the Palaces. The demonic bloodlines are faint, but we still carry that within us as it is a part of our magics. The demons that had come into our realm tens of millennia past, laid with those to help pass on their lineage. This is where our strong magics come from, especially the Dream Craft and the Illusions, although the Chrysalis manifestations come after the mixing of the bloodlines

Do the dancers and other nobles wear as scantily clad outfits as the royalty? Or is that part of their "caste"

Each "caste" has their own set of rules regarding how much or how little they wear. So for Nobles: The High Court is dressed within sheer clothing. Some of the Higher parts of the High Court that have had Royalty married in, are permitted to wear chains as part of their attire. I believe that your Rajael has the former but no chains.

What is marriage like? How about parenting/hood?

Marriage is just like how you have it. There is Courting timeframes and then you go through with the Bonding ceremony. Parenting is different in that the females are given time off and time to work with the children, completely supported by the community, until the child is able to be on their own, usually pre-teen age range

Are same-sex relationships frowned on?

Not at all.

Do nobility and royalty generally marry within their own rank? Are there arranged marriages?

There are not arrange marriages unless it is between the family for specific purposes. Usually merging bloodlines for strong magics in the family. They can marry outside of their ranks and positions. It's not frowned upon for marrying into a "lower" rank

How long does it take for a child Rajael to reach maturity?

They reach maturity when they are considered "pre-teen" age range, which for them is about 200-250 years. Depends upon the magics and the bodies.

Are the children of consorts lower ranked than the spouses’? Do males have any part in child-rearing?

In the ranking of the royal line, yes. Those who are of the Consorts are considered High Princesses, those who are the Lover's are considered Princesses.

Males will always have a part in raising and being fathers. They are just as important and usually are given time as well to be with the family. They can choose to work if they wish to.

Do a Queen’s children get precedent over those who are already lining up in the royal line? As in, they automatically become first in line when they are born if they are a healthy female?

Queen's children are the only ones that are viable for the throne, and it must be the current Queen's. If one were to step in after her mother, then when that Rajael becomes Queen and has a family that line gets precedence. The Queen's sisters would only be considered if there was an emergency.

Considering the 2:1 gender ratio, is the society a strict heterosexual one or?

No they are not, pairings outside of hetero are not considered different.

Someone asked about same-sex? If they are a Queen do they adopt and their children slotted in? Would they adopt from royalty or nobility or would they want sole custody and choose outside of rank like an orphan? Are there orphans?

The Queen are required to carry the line, usually why there is a Consort and Lovers. To have many. This is the case where usually that is the only Hetero pairing that is a must, but this is to preserve the lines. Lovers can be female, but Consorts are always male.

Yes there are orphans, though that does not last long as families adopt them rather quickly.

Why do families adopt them quickly? For extra work force or is it an inherent value of that society?

Those who are of a same sex pairing usually are the ones that take them in, to raise and love. There is not a political gain for it. They value children and bloodlines greatly

How does the military operate? Ranks? Duties? Etc?

(Using terms close to ours) The military is just as complex as any other. You have the soldiers, those who work with one magic and physical. The second rank is a General, who oversees 50-100 soldiers and works with one magic and a weapon. The third is a Lt. General, who oversees 5 Generals (up to 500 soldiers). You have a Lt. who oversees 5 of the Lt. Generals (2500 soldiers), and a Commander who oversees the entire company. Although these numbers changes depending upon the size of the city

And how did they end up in a war zone? Have they always been there?

The war zone actually occurred around us as the realm became split between those who cannibalize and those who do not. There is a constant state of war due to this. There is a moral disagreement between the races that chose cannibalism and the Rajael. The Rajael did not agree with these due to the harm that it did their bodies and magic. Instead of increasing their magics like it did with the groups that chose it, the Rajael suffered. The war began approximately 15,000 years previous in our terms of time.

What is healthcare there like?

Healthcare is pretty good, if someone needs help, the healers are there to help. There's no charge or anything that would prevent anyone from getting aid.

What is your food like?

We tend to have complex flavors of dishes, a lot of it with meats and vegetables. Our staple is a meat that would be incredibly sweet, that we flavor with a spice that is grown to our region. Other regions have their own flavors as well. We are known for a flavor that is close to your version of curry but with a spicy twist akin to Southern American flavors.

What type of music do you have?

Our music is composed and play with wooden instruments, strung with special threads woven with beauty magic and chrysalis. Our music has a light overtone that can have a deeper, dark side when it comes to seductive ones. Most music is composed specifically for the tastes of the dancer it is for.

Ideas and Beliefs

What sort of religious beliefs do you have?

We do not have religions as you consider it. Just Magic.

Do they have sex publicly? How do they view sex?

We do have public sex, in fact there is annual rituals in which the community has festivals that involve this. One is that those that have low bloodlines but have shown that they have skill within them (such as prodigies or those that have worked with great achievements) are honored through being "mated" with those of higher bloodlines. Volunteers are selected and they go through a Courting Ritual. The ending is the festival, where their family line is honored through copulation within the public sphere. Now there is another festival that is to help with fertility should one have issues. Instead of being shunned, they are celebrated and rejuvenated with chrysalis magic and those of higher bloodlines to help conceive. There are a few others, but these are the main two. Usually there is one or two of each festival a 'year'.
Sex is a natural process, a beautiful transformation between two parties, where no matter the ability of the blood, Chrysalis magic transforms.

Don't they share each other during these festivals though? So monogamous sex?

No, it is between couple and those who are mated. They may "date/Court" but there is no sexual intercourse. Yes that is correct, but also makes sense because with the magic that is being produced all around, it will be more potent because it's in a high concentrated area of others doing the same thing. And it's not required.

Are they virgins until after courting/mating or do they take on lovers before and when they are ready to mate, they abstain all together (other lovers and the mate) until they are mated?

Yes, they are virgins until they meet their other, go through the Courting ritual, and then marriage. Then they lose that aspect. It is highly frowned upon to be with another that is not your intended. Although to answer, yes, humans can be a part of their intended.

Do they remain virgins before their mate?

That depends if you origin self or soul is human to begin with or living as one. Not all humans are actually human, just living that life.

For the public mating ritual, those who are talented are mated with higher bloodlines. Is there love? What happens if no one get chosen and/or no one steps forward? Is there only one mate or can they take many? What if many step forward for the same person? Debate/persuasion? All of them mate together? Do they do it publicly? Do they openly share partners generally in society across all class? How do they recognise talent? What is the standard/threshold? How do they not run out of people to match? Same-sex preferences?

Usually the love comes from the Courting Ritual, which is why it is chosen to use and not marriage right away. So that they can learn to love each other and allow it naturally grow. If they do not work well, then another suitor is chosen that is closer to what they look for in a partner. It is highly rare that one does not step forward, only once or twice. It’s considered an honor on both ends. They do not mate together in a group, but as separate. Some choose public, some choose to be private. They do not share partners openly, as it is frowned upon. Only the Queen has multiple partners, the others choose not to due to being monogamous.

Talent is recognized through achievements. They’ve not had issues with no matches, as there is plenty. If there are “lack” of bloodlines or such, then others from different cities are able to partake. The festival would be moved to that city with ambassadors. Same sex is taken into account if they wish for that.

Working with Magic

They don't consider Sex Magic separate from Chrysalis magic, as they are tied together for their race. Just a different aspect of it.

Outside of chrysalis magick what other sorts of magick do you know?

Illusions, Dance Magic, Chrysalis Magic, Dream Craft, Beauty Magic

How does your dream magick differ from other races dream magick?

Dream Craft is a bit different from Dream Magic. The craft includes the magic that goes with the Craft. The Craft is not just spells and magic, but building and Mastery. The Rajael are Dream Crafters in that they are able to build and access the world of dreams. They are able to move through worlds of others and can help improve upon them. They use the magic to weave dreams for others and help them to be lucid if desired.

Do all the Rajael have a specific skill set assigned to their clan or does each individual have individual skills too?

Each individual has their own skills, but it is common for specialties and strengths to pass down through the bloodlines and become family known skills.

Am I right in thinking that they use beauty magic to help with shadow work?

This is correct, it can be used for that purpose as well. Usually this is in conjunction with Chrysalis magics.

Working with Humans and Companions

What is your view on humans and what made you want to work with one?

They see humans as interesting because they vary and there are incredible differences. While there are differences between their individuals, when it comes to their race, they are morbidly curious as to why humans attack one of their own, why they are divided. Although they also are curious how we have much younger lives and how we make the most of them. There are other aspects, especially those that work with Magic’s and things of that nature too. They are curious about how we have many different types of Magic’s that are separated rather than connected. They divide themselves by class, which is based upon royal blood and magical capability. This is more of a way of life rather than a division of their race.

When you are visiting us in our realm, how do you see us and other spirits?

We see you as you would see normally, with your form and same with how the other entities perceive to the outside. Although spirits are faint, entities are brighter. This could be the magic that causes this

When one of your race steps forward for companionship, what are some of the reasonings that they may have in seeking a human companion? Other than the general interests in our world and societies that were stated earlier.

A lot of it is that they not only seek the human-Rajael interactions and such like mentioned, but it is also learning of other races. Our realm is pretty closed off due to the war-like state. We (queens) chose to keep it closed off so that the wars do not spill outwards as much. Those who are a part of our trading have been given access to come and go, with others having to go through a process to make sure that the realm is safe. We decided to keep it magically locked down for the purpose that the Cannibals don't "escape". Being a companion with those that work with others is a way for us to learn about other cultures in a way that is safer and doesn't risk other realms.

So they would be monogamous and exclusive to their companion if there was romantic intent in the match?

Yes, that is correct. We acknowledge that some humans and other races are polyamorous, to which we accept. We would remain monogamous and exclusive to the companion that is chosen. This is why it is careful with selection of our companions, if there is romantic intent, as we would choose to remain monogamous for the rest of the human life. Within the human's death, they are welcomed to our realm to live.

Does this cause any sort of issues with status, or with the fact that we can’t possibly meet all of their needs since we are separated by realms?

Not particularly no. If anything, it is seen as greater because it's considered dedication and loyalty. All valued within our society. Needs come and go and the companions would know when there is a need, as well as communicating with the companion beforehand on how that would be expressed if the communication isn't as strong. We understand that there are needs and differing ideas of those needs. This is why it is discussed beforehand and how it can be kept with open communication. Though we are sexual, we do not need sexual to live or to operate on.

Are there any Rajael who know, experienced a life of a man, a hu-man (-lady)? just curious roughly how common such "migration" amongst those people. It's fairly common with people from demonic realms, not very common "higher up", from my experience. but as I understand Rajael somewhere roughly in the middle, roughly?

Yes, there are a couple that have lived human lives here. That's correct, they are around the middle of those. There are some Rajael that choose to migrate to human lives, but this is the time where they have become more heavily working in our realm than previous. So while not rare, it's not common

They chose to migrate to human lives? So they had a choice in what race they would be? they can change within one lifetime or they reincarnate?

They can choose lives, just like how we are able to choose lives.
They can change within their own lifespans, though I have yet to hear one choose a life that is longer than theirs. Although they did just tell me that they do not have the ability to choose ones that have longer lifespan, only those with shorter.

Do humans always "recycle" within the Earthern realm or would we be able to "reborn" outside of this chain, say for example in my next life, would there be a chance for me to be a Rajael or any magical Earthern beings?

We are not sure if your humans travel outside of the Earthen Realm, but in regards to ours.. no we do not have humans within. We do go out to yours, but there has not be a human born to here

What do the rajael think of our clothing customs?

when the Rajael's remember being here last and the one that was here last commented about how, "It was stuffy"... which with the image, translated to Victorian times. The Royal and the Nobles feel that we are very reserved, at least the American culture. There are others that are closer to what they prefer.

What is their favorite thing about our world?

The variety of food and clothes.

Do they have specific scents or food and drink they like?

There are some examples such as:
-Nuts, Seeds, Green Leaves, Fruits (Fruitarian)
-Fish or other white meats (Pescetarian)
-Red Meats and Red Roots
They don’t have a particular drink preference, though some may prefer wines or meads.

What would be the best thing to do with a Rajael? Can they help with astral travel?

They enjoy teaching and working their magics. Yes, they can help to a degree, although it is not their specialty per se. Although the Royals are familiar with portals and traveling around.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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