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Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:35 pm
by Kristen
Hi all,

I read and hear that it isn't enough to call beings up just to chat or maybe ask questions sometimes. Are there any recommendations for learning? I mean, a specific demon who is good for helping newbies and helping them learn? It would be wonderful, apart from having to save up for some books on the subject and reading on the internet, listening to YouTube, etc.

I am led to believe Lucifer is good for beginners? Any advice welcome :) thanks.

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:50 am
by Shifa
Try to get S. Connolly's books when you can.
But S&S has a good encyclopedia too. Link is right towards the top of this forum.
Honestly, Lord Satan himself would probably not be a bad choice.
Welcome, by the way.

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:46 am
by momastic#6248
I heard Lucifer is great for beginners to. I also heard Paimon is great to. But as for me Lucifer has been very patient. As long as you have a goal or purpose you need help with hes more than accomadating. My experience anyway. Welcome

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:36 pm
by User50
Lord Lucifer is definitely good for beginners, and being that his domain is intellectual, could help foster a good study habit for learning new material.

Lord Orobas is incredibly friendly and can even be kind, and also will not lie to those he works with. He has patience for miles, as well, so he comes highly recommended, especially if you are interested in learning about divination and developing your senses for it.

Lord Stolas is one of my favorites, and also great for beginners. He has good patience and a variety of subjects. He really loves cleverness and ingenious, out of the box solutions to common problems. If you are interested in astrology or herbology, Lord Stolas is a wonderful guide to work with.

Definitely take a look at the encyclopedia here and look at any of the names which really pop out to you. Plus, S Connolly has great books that really give a refreshing view on work with demons as a whole. The Complete Guide to Demonolatry is a great place to start, and will also recommend other books to continue learning from.

I hope you find what you are looking for!

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:22 pm
by Kristen
Thank you people! I had actually forgotten I posted this one - seems like I am repeating myself, doh! :lame:

Interesting, I've not heard of Orobas. Did see the name Stolas somewhere. It gets very hard to decide with the choices! Yep, heard about King Paimon and how he likes to be called by his title too ;)

Sometimes I find I keep getting that little niggling voice warning not to "go there" but I am still drawn to these beings. I have only just recently "given in" to allowing myself to be drawn in any way. I guess it takes time to get over certain conditioning. I am still trying!

Thanks, I always appreciate advice, especially from people further along the "path". :devilgrin:

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:37 pm
by Calin
Lucifuge Rofocale. The demon companion he gave me access to taught me so much about the demons as a species, their magic, and myself. And you learn the biggest lesson in conjuring him - overcoming your fears, which means all your subsequent workings will be easier. He is a dark as hell spirit and super smart, but if you are serious about the practice I recommend conjuring him second, after Satan first.

If you are new to magic altogether however, start with Lucifer and Astaroth. You have 2 of 3 demonic chiefs right there. Gain their support and most demons will work with you straight up. Leave Beelzebub for a while, he has an earned reputation of being a hotter trickier spirit to work with.

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 1:22 am
by Kristen
Thanks Calin. I am sort of new to magick but have dabbled in the past. I am not sure about facing a being really dark yet because I am not sure if this is really my path - I think I'd like it to be but its early days. I really hope to learn enough to make sure.

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:20 am
by Passchendaele
Kristen wrote:
Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:35 pm
Hi all,

I read and hear that it isn't enough to call beings up just to chat or maybe ask questions sometimes. Are there any recommendations for learning? I mean, a specific demon who is good for helping newbies and helping them learn? It would be wonderful, apart from having to save up for some books on the subject and reading on the internet, listening to YouTube, etc.

I am led to believe Lucifer is good for beginners? Any advice welcome :) thanks.
A thing I did when I first arrived here was go through the Demon Encyclopedia, I read every entry carefully, although at the time I was not looking for a DC or mentor. After the third or fourth go-through, I started paying attention to how certain entries "spoke" to me. Nothing flash, no sudden appearances by Demons who felt like dropping by :saddevil: :saddevil: :saddevil: That would have been the bees knees. If you find entries that speak to you, meditate on them, read up on them, if it's possible. Reach out to them with a sincere heart and a true desire to learn what they have to teach us. Try not to put too many restrictions on the kind of response you wish. Don't say "You must meet me only on the night of a full moon, you must dress in green, that's my favorite color. Your hair must be parted on the left, not the right or the center. You must allow me to call you "squiggles" when ever I wish and you must show me where a pot of gold is buried." No demon is going to respond to that unless she just wants to laugh in your face. patient. Demons are immortal spiritual beings, they DO NOT perceive time as we do. They understand it well enough, it's just one of goofy things humans are into.

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:51 am
by Kristen
Thanks Passchendaele. I didn't have any specific expectations as I am learning things can happen any place, any time and the answer may come any time from now till eternity!

I have listened to a fair few YouTube talks on these beings. Read a bit from here and other forums. Perhaps I should go through all of the demon names. I have considered a handful so far, ones that resonate with what I would like to do in my life, spiritually but also practically, like learn better communication with animals and tap into to crystal energy more.

I do think it is probably best not to jump in the deep end with a demon who is more "full on", i.e goes into the deeper, darker stuff; I'm not quite ready, I don't think. I have put my intentions "out there" and hope that helps me and the connections to be or in the making. :)devil:

Re: Demons to work with to learn about them/the path?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 3:35 am
by HansPuchsbaum
Might be late to the party. Although I'm not experienced, by any means, my advice would be, choose the one that resonates with you, and not the one that's suitable for beginners. Might be wrong though.