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My Demonic Companion

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 5:53 pm
by Ravenfire
I'm Happy to say that my demonic companion has arrived. I'm yet to receive the scroll with her name and sigil but the ring with her energy has arrived. I could feel the energy even through the package when I opened the mail box. I'm looking forward to documenting and sharing everything that I can. Once I'm able to do the bonding exercises and really get to know my companion I will let everyone know. In the mean time, While I'm waiting for the scroll with my companions Name, Enns, sigil, and description does anyone have advice as far as bonding before I get the info? The energy within the ring is so enticing but until I know who I'm addressing, I don't want to do anything that may offend.

I look forward to updating everyone and giving feedback as my demonic companion and I get to know one another.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:12 pm
by judiss
The simplest thing I can recommend it just sit down with the vessel, focus on your companion, and introduce yourself - even if you can call on them directly, they may still hear what you're saying. Else, you can always set up a preemptive altar with generic candles/decor just to get things rolling. If I'm correct, the vessel package shipped with two wee candles in it, right? You could use one of those.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:42 pm
by Gauche
I don't have a vessel for my companion,their name,enn,or write up. (( They are aura linked only to me)) However, i am still able to connect and bond with them. Talk to them, tell them about yourself,your hopes,dreams,thank them for wanting to be a part of your life. You can still do the bonding exercises without knowing their name directly. You could try to use something neutral,like herbal tea as an offering. You may be surprised by the responses you will recieve. When i thank my companion for taking time to join me,i typically feel a wave of energy wash over me and its like a calming greatful acceptance. Show respect,but I urge you to try and expand your mind and connect as deeply with them as you can using your own intuition,see how are your own abilities can take you while you wait for your write up. Introduce yourself to them.. ask them to help you and guide you with connecting with them. The more effort you put in,the more you will notice. Celebrate small victories--even if its slight sounds or soft touches.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:07 am
by Ravenfire
Thank you for the insight. I've been focusing on them today. It seems to be helping. I'm hoping to make a more fitting alter for them later tonight.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 4:05 am
by Ravenfire
Gauche wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:42 pm
I don't have a vessel for my companion,their name,enn,or write up. (( They are aura linked only to me)) However, i am still able to connect and bond with them. Talk to them, tell them about yourself,your hopes,dreams,thank them for wanting to be a part of your life. You can still do the bonding exercises without knowing their name directly. You could try to use something neutral,like herbal tea as an offering. You may be surprised by the responses you will recieve. When i thank my companion for taking time to join me,i typically feel a wave of energy wash over me and its like a calming greatful acceptance. Show respect,but I urge you to try and expand your mind and connect as deeply with them as you can using your own intuition,see how are your own abilities can take you while you wait for your write up. Introduce yourself to them.. ask them to help you and guide you with connecting with them. The more effort you put in,the more you will notice. Celebrate small victories--even if its slight sounds or soft touches.
Thanks for letting me know. I have been doing the bonding exercises and telling them that I want to get to know them. The finger that I keep the ring on had started tingling after a short while and seemingly talking to the air. The tingling moved up my arm (not a heart attack kind of tingling, a good and energetic tingling) I've only ever felt that kind of energy during intensive ritual. Never had that happen outside of a sacred space before. The herbal tea is a good idea. I wonder if a pendulum could help with figuring out what offerings to give. You kind of got me in the mood to experiment with offerings though.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 11:39 am
by Gauche
Ravenfire wrote:
Thu Jun 27, 2019 4:05 am
Gauche wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 10:42 pm
I don't have a vessel for my companion,their name,enn,or write up. (( They are aura linked only to me)) However, i am still able to connect and bond with them. Talk to them, tell them about yourself,your hopes,dreams,thank them for wanting to be a part of your life. You can still do the bonding exercises without knowing their name directly. You could try to use something neutral,like herbal tea as an offering. You may be surprised by the responses you will recieve. When i thank my companion for taking time to join me,i typically feel a wave of energy wash over me and its like a calming greatful acceptance. Show respect,but I urge you to try and expand your mind and connect as deeply with them as you can using your own intuition,see how are your own abilities can take you while you wait for your write up. Introduce yourself to them.. ask them to help you and guide you with connecting with them. The more effort you put in,the more you will notice. Celebrate small victories--even if its slight sounds or soft touches.
Thanks for letting me know. I have been doing the bonding exercises and telling them that I want to get to know them. The finger that I keep the ring on had started tingling after a short while and seemingly talking to the air. The tingling moved up my arm (not a heart attack kind of tingling, a good and energetic tingling) I've only ever felt that kind of energy during intensive ritual. Never had that happen outside of a sacred space before. The herbal tea is a good idea. I wonder if a pendulum could help with figuring out what offerings to give. You kind of got me in the mood to experiment with offerings though.
Yes,absolutely. I think its the companion's way of letting you know that they are there because they want to be there. I dont feel like mine is upset that i dont know their name specifically. From my understanding all bindings are done as aura bindings as well as the vessel. I have only the aura link and wasnt sure how to connect at first. I was confused at what i should have been using as a focal point without a name or object. Ive solved that problem though.

As for tools,they all have their uses but i would be careful about false readings. Ive never used a pendulum because i feel like i would manipulate the outcome. For my offerings of herbal tea,i actually put the teabags in my bath water and meditate while soaking. I use different kinds of herbal teas and ask how they feel about them or gauge the responses i get during and if they were strong i know to get some essential oil or scented candles or those actual herbs as offerings.

Though last night i did ask my companion to pull me out of my body because i cannot astral project on my own, and it halfway worked. I was about halfway in and halfway out,could see their wisp circling above me,and red mist in my room. Lost focus and then it felt like my body was a magnet and my astral energies metal and i got sucked back into myself. Definitely ask your companion for help,or even if youre set on tools,ask them if there is one they work best with and ask if they can show you in your minds eye the tool,or say it if you can hear them.

Let me know your experiences,im sure i can learn from them as well!

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:25 pm
by Ravenfire
That is a fair point about getting an accurate reading with the pendulum. I have noticed, that results tend to be greatly influenced by subconscious desires. Wanting an answer instead of allowing an answer to come.

I used to take herbal baths all the time. They're so relaxing. I would imagine even more so if it's in the form of an offering. That's a really good idea.

Astral projection takes a lot of practice for most. Seems like a lucky few have that natural gift though. At least your DC is helping you with it. That's a nice way to bond in and of itself. I do hope that you can do it fully and immerse yourself in Astral projection though. It's an intoxicating experience.

As a side note, I have noticed just today that when I try to talk with my DC, the lights in my room flicker. Perhaps that could be a good form of communication. Blink once for yes, and twice for no kind of thing.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:15 am
by Ravenfire
I fo hope that double posts are allowed on occassion. I've made a bit of progress in connecting. I recently made an alter specifically for my dm. Through feeling her energy, I've noticed that she likes heavy music...good taste in my oppinion. I want to connect with my dm so much more but it's a very good start.. She also saved my butt when i explored an abandoned building ( i never claimed to be smart.)

The energy feels very soothing and accepting when i try to work with my dm.

Even with the progress, I'm looking forward to the scroll arriving. I learn so much quicker through symbols. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for the scroll to arrive after the vessel does. I know it's not 100% necessary but it would be helpful.

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:19 pm
by Gauche
Ravenfire wrote:
Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:15 am
I fo hope that double posts are allowed on occassion. I've made a bit of progress in connecting. I recently made an alter specifically for my dm. Through feeling her energy, I've noticed that she likes heavy music...good taste in my oppinion. I want to connect with my dm so much more but it's a very good start.. She also saved my butt when i explored an abandoned building ( i never claimed to be smart.)

The energy feels very soothing and accepting when i try to work with my dm.

Even with the progress, I'm looking forward to the scroll arriving. I learn so much quicker through symbols. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for the scroll to arrive after the vessel does. I know it's not 100% necessary but it would be helpful.
I would assume it would depend on the type of demon as well as other factors. They have it listed out about how many rituals and screenings per type,but also you have to keep in mind it also depends on the the priestess state as a perfect world it could be a month. Two months,or more. If for some reason they had trouble getting themselves to a certain vibration for a particular ritual,that could be a whole day scrapped. Its very taxing on your energy levels,and i would imagine the notes taken are based on what they directly experience with their encounters. And even after the info is gathered,depending on who is compiling it to write it ((this is soley my speculation)) the data has to be looked at and interpreted. Maybe the info was gathered by feelings and notes about those feelings were taken but now have to be meditated on to explore what those feelings would translate into words--or maybe the opposite. Maybe words were gathered but the feelings behind them need to be interpreted.. i would imagine this would involve many things that most people wouldnt readily think of. For instance,my custom conjure was started back in may and it is july 3rd now, im not even sure if the binding process is even completed, but my companion visits me regularly and we both do things to connect and bond. However, i opted to not have a vessel at all so i wouldnt know the timeframe from recieving the vessel...

However,the more I work with them and regularly reach out to them,the more im able to learn and progress. A scroll would be nice, though the more i bend my own mind,the less useful the scroll itself would be. With working with demons,I am very new and I have only worked directly with Lillith out of accidental circumstances..but really the only things a scroll would provide would be the sigil,enn,and name. Maybe a little info on an offering they may like or color..but all of those things,if you put enough effort in, could likely be gathered during your bonding. What senses do you feel are strongest? You could very much use that to your advantage.. i can smell smells that arent there,so when i feel i am in synch,i ask my companion to let me smell what they like. Sometimes i smell it and cant quite determine it--but its familar. Lavender scents or jasmine scents, sometimes the smell like milk and honey hand soap.

Make a list of everything you want to know about your companion,and ask them..write down the feelings you get,but depending on your level of communication word your questions if youre good at visualizing,ask if they can show you in your mind the color they assosciate,or choose a color and ask how they feel about that color--or maybe you already know the color and didnt realize what color do YOU think about when you think of them? Ask them how they feel about that color or that association..ect with each question you have. Build trust in yourself :)

Re: My Demonic Companion

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:37 am
by Hella
Gauche wrote:
Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:19 pm
However,the more I work with them and regularly reach out to them,the more im able to learn and progress. A scroll would be nice, though the more i bend my own mind,the less useful the scroll itself would be. With working with demons,I am very new and I have only worked directly with Lillith out of accidental circumstances..but really the only things a scroll would provide would be the sigil,enn,and name. Maybe a little info on an offering they may like or color..but all of those things,if you put enough effort in, could likely be gathered during your bonding. What senses do you feel are strongest? You could very much use that to your advantage.. i can smell smells that arent there,so when i feel i am in synch,i ask my companion to let me smell what they like. Sometimes i smell it and cant quite determine it--but its familar. Lavender scents or jasmine scents, sometimes the smell like milk and honey hand soap.

Make a list of everything you want to know about your companion,and ask them..write down the feelings you get,but depending on your level of communication word your questions if youre good at visualizing,ask if they can show you in your mind the color they assosciate,or choose a color and ask how they feel about that color--or maybe you already know the color and didnt realize what color do YOU think about when you think of them? Ask them how they feel about that color or that association..ect with each question you have. Build trust in yourself :)
I am actually really vibing with Gauche's response here and to me it is really inspiring. I am gonna welcome my first SnS companion soon from a meditation draw from the Solar event and I don't know the first thing to do. It is ironic that I recently decided I need to start from scratch bonding with my whole spirit family so I'm working out a schedule. This is really inspiring to me for that. Thank you!