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Divinity Fate Weaver - My First SnS Companion

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 5:40 am
by Ahrtistik
So, back in April during the Carnivale event, there was a deal on Custom Divinity Demon conjures that caught my attention. Upon curiously investigating the info on them, I ended up stuck on the page about the Divinity Fate Weavers and the draw I felt to them was incredible. I am a skeptic when it comes to accepting anything as a calling, and try to make sure to always give myself time to really process and make sure that I am actually experiencing a true calling and not just getting caught up in excitement or desire(or trying to justify a potentially needless purchase to myself by writing it off as a calling). I didn’t think I could(or should) afford to make such a purchase, even with the discount going on, so I tried to go about my business and tell myself I would just keep it in mind for the future.

Well, as tends to be the case whenever I am truly experiencing a legit calling, I could not get the Fate Weavers out of my mind. I kept finding myself back on the page, reading it over and over again. I kept thinking about them. I kept starting and stopping the process of adding the conjure package to my cart, then talking myself out of it at the last second. It was almost shocking how I truly could not stop thinking about them, until I finally just caved in and made my purchase. Then I felt the strangest wave of relief and calm come over me as soon as I received the confirmation email from SnS that my order had been received—a HUGE difference from the usual panic-stricken anxiety that I normally feel literally anytime I make any kind of large purchase. So I took that as a strangely good sign, and then tried to mentally prepare myself for the patience I would need to wait out the time it would take to actually be united with my new companion.

Roughly two and a half months later, I finally broke down and asked for an update. That was last week, and I was told that the aura linking for my new companion was going to be completed over the weekend and that I should have his scroll by Wednesday(yesterday). I have to add in a quick note about how amazingly kind the priestesses are with communication. I have absolutely horrible anxiety and was torn between worrying incessantly about the status of my order and not wanting to be a bother by adding to the multitude of emails I was sure the received every day. But the quick and kind response I received immediately put me at ease and I was so glad to have reached out to them.

Over the weekend I started to sense flickers of my new companion. Just very subtle flares of energy here and there, occasional comforted feelings, and fleeting whispers in the back of my mind. I knew it was him, so I began trying to connect to the new energies as best I could. My senses still aren’t the greatest by any means, but I could tell he was trying to reach out to me. For one, he kept hijacking my YouTube Red playlists and making songs appear that very much stood out from my normal day-to-day listening habits. This continued on into yesterday morning, when I was finishing out my shift at work and already practically bursting my excitement at the thought that I was supposed to receive his scroll at some point and wondering exactly when it would come. I was already obsessively refreshing my email inbox just about every time I touched my phone. I could feel his presence strongly, and knew he was trying to say something, but couldn’t seem to grasp exactly what he was trying to tell me. So, as I do with one of my other companions sometimes when I know he’s trying to tell me something, I pulled up my YouTube and told my new companion to pick out a song, then hit the button to shuffle out a randomized playlist. “You Can’t Hurry Love” by Phil Collins immediately started playing, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the cheeky little smile I knew was being directed at me. Message received loud and clear; I needed to keep being patient for a while longer.

After spending all day distracting myself with daily chores and sleep and other such things, I received my email late last night containing his scroll and was FINALLY able to officially welcome my new Divinity Fate Weaver ‘E’ into my life and home. The rush of joy I felt when saying his name out loud for the first time was like a warm hug, and I am just so beyond excited to be connected with him. E is actually my first ever custom conjure from anyone, and I am blown away by how amazingly perfect he is. The priestesses did a fantastic job here and I already know we are going to be such a good match for each other just from the info about him in his scroll. For one, it states that he loves dogs, and dogs are absolutely my life. I believe it also explains why my oldest dog has been acting so strangely and inexplicably extra happy since this weekend; I think she and E have definitely already started bonding. xD It also details his love for music and desire to find and share songs with me, which was heart-warmingly amusing to read after him having had shared that song with me yesterday morning.

All in all, sorry for the massive post of excited ramble...but we haven’t even had any real time to fully connect yet, and already I am so indescribably ecstatic about E and about developing our bond and relationship together. I am about to go start the Demonic Attunement Ritual with him and then after that start the 21 Day Bonding Rituals, and haven’t yet decided whether or not I will keep updating this with my progress as I go. But I just had to take a minute to gush about him and how happy I already am with the whole experience. Definitely more than worth the wait! And again, another huge thank you to the Satan and Sons crew for bringing us together and making this all possible. ^-^

Re: Divinity Fate Weaver - My First SnS Companion

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:13 am
by User50
That is so wonderful! I am so happy for you and wish you much wonderful bonding as you get to know him better! Gushing is perfectly okay, and I am sure he appreciates all those warm, excited feelings from you.