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[O:S:L] Welcome to Ordo Sonitus Lux!

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:40 am
by User50
Hello and welcome to Ordo Sonitus Lux!

When I first made O:S:L I had the idea that a lot of old occult books and materials were inaccessible, after having met a practitioner who was blind, and decided that I wanted to begin taking old books about different practices and make them into audiobooks for YouTube. That evolved into chopping up the books in small, manageable sections which were easier to reference than a big long video, and is a project that is still in the workings today. So far, I just have part of the Ars Goetia (Matthers & Crowley version, sadly) up for the public, but it is certainly not a forgotten project.

At that point I had already been doing readings for people with Tarot and Oracle cards, as well as more complicated rituals on a word of mouth sort of basis, and it was recommended that I try to make my services, and the items I craft, more accessible, so people who might benefit from them could find them. This then spawned my Etsy shop, which may some day expand to an actual website shop, as I do not really feel comfortable selling rituals and other services like that through their platform. It does, however, serve fine for some card readings and selling the talismans I make.

My mission, as a whole, is to help others discover their own metaphysical/spiritual path, and to encourage that growth and give help along the way where I can. Everything I have put under the O:S:L umbrella will be serving that mission, and I really hope that it finds the people who need it most.

Currently under the O:S:L banner:
YouTube Channel
Etsy Shop
Tumblr Blog
Digital Altar to Duke Murmur

Currently, all the threads are scattered, but one day I hope to have them all under one roof, and hope to have more set up. Until then, here is a FAQ:

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Ordo Sonitus Lux mean?
It means Order Sound Light in Latin and yes it was trying to blend in with the more traditional order names. I named it the Sound of Light because working with demons and sharing that with people is my light, and I want people to share that light with me. Also, since it started as an audiobook project, there's the sound. And I love music. What strange and wonderful music demons offer to us.

Do you offer free tarot readings?
Generally, the answer is no. However, there are times where I get this feeling that someone really needs their wisdom and that I should reach out and see if I can get them to me by offering free readings at that time. Lord Murmur has also guided me to people who were torn by grief and let me know I should use my skills and custom deck to help them with that. So, it's not totally impossible, but at the same time, getting blasted with "can you give me a free reading" will more likely irritate me than get anything worth while.

Do you command demons?
No. I do not use the "names of god" or the "choirs of angels" to force my Will upon demons, nor do I support it. Yes, I have the Ars Goetia in my Youtube and I do recommend people read it, if only to learn one perspective on demonology as a whole. HOWEVER, I will never condone those methods. I used to operate on those methods, and through years of practice, have discovered so much more about demons and how those methods are harmful and cause so much negativity. I now work on an entirely different paradigm, and it is absolutely phenomenal how my work has transformed because of it.

That's all I can think of for now, but I am sure I will come back at a later point to add more FAQs as I get asked them more. I hope you all enjoy my little corner on this site, and I look forward to sharing more material with y'all in the near future!

~Solaris, the Revenant Oracle