Correspondences and Offerings

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Posts: 1045
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Patron Deities: Paimon, Asmoday, Leviathan, Azazel, Amducius
Your favourite Demon?: Paimon
Number of Demon Familiars: 12
Location: Southeastern Missouri
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One of the most common questions asked in Daemonolatry AND in spirit keeping is, "What's a good offering for..." The other question is, "what's __ like?"

Correspondences are a way to answer both.

I'm going to use Lord Marbas as an example - I don't know why but He's the one who's popping up in my head today.

Here's what we know about President Marbas already:
Original text from the Ars Goetia:

“The fifth Spirit is Marbas. He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the form of a Great Lion, but afterward, at the request of the Master, he putteth on Human Shape. He answereth truly of things Hidden or Secret. He causeth Diseases and cureth them. Again, he giveth great Wisdom and Knowledge in Mechanical Arts; and can change men into other shapes. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn as aforesaid.”

From Tikaboo

“He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the form of a Great Lion, but afterward, at the request of the Master, he putteth on Human Shape. He answereth truly of things Hidden or Secret. He causeth Diseases and cureth them. Again, he giveth great Wisdom and Knowledge in Mechanical Arts; and can change men into other shapes. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits.”

From the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford

“Marbas appears in the mind’s eye as a Lion, which beholds a shadow which is twisted and sharp looking. Marbas appears as any form desired, mostly as a shadowed man. This spirit reveals hidden aspects of the self through initiatory experience. As a cursing tool, one may evoke Marbas in the mind, and his 36 legions of spirits to manifest in the enemy as a disease. He may be used also to improve the ability to will immune system to work more efficiently, thus a beneficial spirit/Angelic familiar.”

From the Daemonolatry Goetia by S. Connolly

“Uncovering secrets, causing and healing illnesses, and mechanical arts. Healing and cursing (obviously). Invoke when studying mechanics of any time, including mechanics of the human body (i.e. medicine) to retain and learn more. Invoke Marbas to help you see truth in any situation..”

From Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (Liber officiorum spirituum) by Johann Weyer

“Marbas, also called Barbas, is a great president, manifesting himself in the form of a lion, the strongest, but upon request of the exorcist, he can take the form of a human. He answers fully and truthfully revealing that which is hidden. He can bring disease and cure it and promotes knowledge and wisdom of mechanical arts. He can change men into other shapes and commands 30 legions under him .” ... nt-marbas/
Marbas (Goetia #5)
Names: Marbas, Barbas, Marbuel, Barbuel, Barfael, Barbiel, Baruel
Planet: Mercury; Jupiter
Rank: President; Prince
Zodiac: Aries 20-24; Taurus 10-19
Date: April 9-14; April 30-May 10
Element: Fire; Air
Color: Yellow, Orange
Direction: East
Qlipha: Ghagiel (Uranus/Baelzebuth)
Tarot: 6 of Disks/Pentacles; 4 of Wands/Rods
D/N: Diurnal
Legions: 36
Lunar Mansion: Archaam (IX)
Gematria: 243
Lovers: Baratchial, Amducious
Inferiors: Lilith, Radahel, Abraxas, Tzuflifu
Superiors: Lucifage, A’athiel, Lucifer, Moloch, A’ano’nin, Astaroth
Attributions: Mercury, Tin, Cinquefoil, Anise, Thistle, Chickory, Storax ... -goetia-5/
Demon of the Day … President Marbas (Day Demon)

Dates: May 1st – May 10th (Connolly)(Tikaboo)(Day Time)
Alternate Dates: April 9th – April 14th (Runyon)
Direction: East
Tarot: 6 of Pentacles
Planet: Mercury
Metal: Mercury
Element: Air
Color: Orange
Plant: Chicory
Incense: Storax
Zodiac: Taurus

Demonic Enn: Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar Marbas ... nt-marbas/
Now, let's talk about what all this means.
Mercury rules over the acquisition of magical or other types of knowledge, aids in travel between worlds and the guiding of the souls of the dead, and is the patron of merchants, thieves, gays, and any who present a mask to the world. Reach for Mercury if you want to throw out a glamour, learn some new rituals, or communicate in a difficult situation.
Think of a king, and you've pretty much got Jupiter's influence pegged. This is an open-handed king, not a tyrant or a miser. If your ritual focuses on religion, faith, law, or authority, using this planetary influence is a good idea.
Now, we know He's a shapeshifter, and that could account for His association with Mercury, but actually, His fascination with secrets, diseases, wisdom, and knowledge, make Mercury a more obvious choice. Marbas enjoys teaching, healing, and He has a connection to the dead. His secondary association with Jupiter lets us know that His attitude is going to be one of authority - that He's going to be strict and unbending - so if you're going to learn from Him, pay close attention and be respectful. If you're going to make pacts with Him, be very clear about the terms, and be extra sure to do your part. He's a healer, so He's somewhat forgiving, but only up to a point.
Taurus Zodiac Sign
Smart, ambitious, and trustworthy, Taurus is the anchor of the Zodiac. Amazing friends, colleagues, and partners, Taureans value honesty above all else and are proud that their personal relationships tend to be drama free. Bulls get the reputation of being stubborn, but they're not always stuck in their ways. This searching sign is willing to see another point of view, but they won't flip-flop on an opinion just to make someone else happy. They will shift their thinking only if they truly have a change of heart. ... egrees.php

20°....Abscesses; accidents; electricity.
20°50' 20° 20'S (3 1/2) Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti, the Whale's Belly. A topaz-yellow star. (Saturn) Enforced migration, accidents; shipwreck, with rescue.
21°....Hope; artistic.
24°....Literature; travel. ... egrees.php

10°....Architecture (10° - 12°).
11°....Experimental scientist.
12°....Air pressure and gravitation.
12°30'.Jupiter-Saturn conj.: October 20, 1941.
13°....Circulation of money: unfortunate for marriage.
13°7' 27° 48'N (2) Almach, Gamma Andromedae. An orange, emerald and blue binary or ternary star in left foot of Andromeda. (Venus) Eminence; artistic ability.
13°12' 12°35'S (2V2) Menkar, alpha Ceti. An orange star in the Whale's jaw. (Saturn - Venus Moon - Mars) Injury from wild beasts; loss of fortune.
14°....First point of stabilization; a fortunate degree; religious nature.
14°27'.Jupiter-Saturn conj.: August 8, 1940.
15°....Growth; music.
16°....Painting; influential in organizations.
17°14'.Mercury North Node.
18°....Leader of a party.
19°....Self-made man.
19°8'..Mars North Node.
So here, we can see planets, constellations, and star clusters - which are further correspondences to look up, but we're not going to look at them just yet. When you look at the things that each degree rules, you get a further understanding of the knowledge that President Marbas works with, the things He's most interested in, and has the most understanding of.
The element of Air is generally called from the East.
The element of Air is considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament.
Air is generally considered either hermaphrodite or masculine in nature.
The element of air represents the gaseous state of matter.
The element of air corresponds to our spirit body and our breath and rules the infant stage of life.
The element of air rules the lungs and the sense of smell.
The color yellow may be used to represent the element of air.
The element of air rules the springtime and the dawn and the Vernal Equinox.
The Element of Air rules the breath, the voice, speech, eloquence, information, communication, networking and intellect.
In Tarot, the element of air corresponds to The Fool, The Kings and the suit of Swords
Animals the represent the element of air include songbirds, eagles and hawks.
The elemental spirit associated with air is the sylph.
In astrology, air signs include Aquarius, Gemini and Libra.
The elemental tool of air is the dagger. Other tools that correspond to the element of air in some traditions may include the athame, wand, censor.
Minerals that correspond to the element of air include the metal mercury and the stones halite or salt rock, granite, holey stone, picture jasper, emerald, jade, malachite and hematite.
Plants the correspond to the element of air include acacia, almond, anise, citron peel, frankincense, gum-arabic, gum benzoin, bergamot, lavender, lemon verbena, lemongrass, mace, marjoram, mastic, myrrh, pansy, parsley, peppermint, primrose, sage, star anise, vervaine, violet, yarrow || apple, bistort, comfrey, cypress, fern, grains, grass, honeysuckle, horehound, ivy, magnolia, mugwort, narcissus, oakmoss, primrose, rhubarb, vervain and vetivert
Incense that correspond to the element of air include galbanum, sandalwood, mallow. ... spondences
The element of Fire is generally called from the South.
The element of Air is considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament.
Fire is active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature.
The element of fire represents energy.
The element of fire corresponds to our conception and birth and our very life force- the "spark" of life, also of inspiration.
The element of fire rules the liver and the sense of sight.
The color red may be used to represent the element of fire.
The element of fire rules the summer, and noon time.
The Element of Fire rules our passions, inspiration and life force. The drive to create.
In Tarot, the element of fire corresponds to Judgement, the Knights and the suit of Wands
Animals the represent the element of fire include the dragon, lion and the horse.
The elemental spirits associated with fire are the salamander and djinn.
In astrology, fire signs include Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.
The elemental tool of fire wand. Other tools that correspond to the element of air in some traditions may include the sword, dagger, rod, staff, candle, tripod lamp and/or censor.
Minerals that correspond to the element of fire tend to be red or brightly colored, and/or are formed in fire and/or are associated with battle, passion and fury. These include the metals iron and gold, and the stones fire opal, fire agate, ruby, obsidian, tiger eye, carnelian, garnet, and amber
Plants the correspond to the element of fire often inherit their correspondences from Mars or the Sun. These are often prickly, hot and/or protective in nature. They include allspice, angelica, basil, bay-laurel, beech, buttercup, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, deer's tongue, dill, fennel, garlic, juniper, heliotrope, lime, marigold, mustard, nettles, nutmeg, red peppers, onion, orange, peppermint, red poppy, rose geranium, rosemary, sassafras, sunflower, tangerine, tobacco, woodruff.
Incense that correspond to the element of air include olibanum, copal. ... spondences

Let's focus on the simplest bits here. "Speech, eloquence, information, communication, networking and intellect." "Our passions, inspiration and life force. The drive to create." So here, again, we have another layer to President Marbas. Color Correspondences - Free Guide to the Magickal Properties of Color

Each color has a different vibrational energy that impacts mood, thoughts, feelings and more in ritual and in daily life. There are many ways to use color in magick. Here are just a few examples:

You can choose candles or incense burner sand in colors associated with the intent of your spell or ritual.
You can write spells, incantations, talismans, and sigils using ink or colored pencils in colors corresponding to the magick you are working.
When meditating, you can envision yourself surrounded by light in a color associated with your purpose.
You can add food coloring to the water in a ritual bath.
You can wear garments having colors corresponding to the desired intention.
The correspondence table below describes the magickal properties associated with a variety of colors.

Color Magickal Correspondence
Color - Orange
Creativity, self-expression, intellectual matters, overcoming addiction, legal matters/justice, joy, business success, ambition, vitality, fun, action, opportunity, celebration, investments.

Color - Yellow
Pleasure, success, happiness, learning, memory, concentration, persuasion, inspiration, imagination, solar magick, charm, confidence, air element, travel, flexibility
Again, we expand our understanding of President Marbas.
In Chinese Feng Shui, each direction correlates to the Chinese zodiac animals: East = Rabbit: Trust, sincerity, love, compassion.
In ancient Celtic symbolism and tradition, the cardinal directions were acknowledged in several ceremonies and festivals. Handfasting ceremonies and other earth-based belief systems (pagan) still honor the directions today. Here is a brief outline of these directional representations: East = air, communication, new beginnings, new growth
In certain divinatory practices, the directions represent time phases: East = Future
Native Americans have their own meanings of cardinal directions. The Lakota, for example, hold to the following guideline: East = salvation/spirit
The astrological zodiac provides yet another aspect of the four directions and their symbolism: East = Earth corresponding with Taurus ... irections/

So now we know even more.
Ghagiel (variously Chaigidel, Chaigidiel, or Oghiel[1]), in the belief system of Kabbalah, is the name of the Qliphah corresponding to the Sephirah Chokmah in the Tree of Life. They are demons, the Hinderers, described as black evil giants with serpents entwined around them, and they are attached to lying and material appearances, in opposition to those of reality and wisdom.

In the Kabbalah, the Qliphoth represent the unbalanced force of a particular Sephirah, or attribute of God. Chokmah, or "Wisdom" is the sephira concerned with creative, subjective energy, the phallic force that acts upon Binah, the great mother, the receiver of this energy and giver of form. If Chokmah is not balanced by the force of Binah, it remains proud, unrestricted energy, too stubborn to be bound by the matrix of the mother, unwilling to 'bow down to man' and take material form, as described in the Islamic legend regarding Iblis, or Satan. Therefore, Chokmah becomes Ghagiel, the force that hinders the natural evolution of divine energy flowing down into the creation, through pride and egotism, and maintains itself in the world of illusion and lies.
Ghagiel/Ogiel/Chaigidel is Baelzebuth’s realm which corresponds to Uranus. Herein the witch breaks down the causal constraints which the Cosmos has forced upon her and seeks the experience of freedom and lawlessness through the dissolution of her ego. This is the realm of the True Will/Personal Wyrd and it corresponds to criminality and insurrection. This sphere rises in opposition to the demiurge and propagates what is wrathful and evil. This sphere can be called upon for the attainment of true wisdom and the domination of the masses. It’s the sphere of the Magus. According to Evoking Eternity by E.A. Koetting, the power of Ghagiel can be called upon in baneful magick to induce “self-delusion, confusion, consternation, and stagnation.” ... -qliphoth/
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The right pillar of the Qliphoth consists of the planetary spheres of Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus. This pillar attracts– it represents the True Self and the unifying principle. It’s the artist’s path to enlightenment. ... -qliphoth/

Six Of Pentacles Keywords
UPRIGHT: Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity. ... pentacles/

Four Of Wands Keywords
UPRIGHT: Celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, homecoming ... -of-wands/
Lunar Mansion 9
The Eye
Ancient Name: Al Tarf (The Glance)
12°51’22″ Cancer to 25°42’51″ Cancer
For separation and division
Do: Pull back and conserve your energy. Release what no longer serves you. Forgive.
Don’t: Dwell on the past. Travel or schedule unnecessary appointments.
(Sun in Mansion from July 4 to July 17) ... e-al-tarf/
After this is the ninth called Archaam or Arcaph, that is the eye of the Lion; it hinders harvests and travellers, and puts discord between men. ... _moon.html
Gematria- 243 - 243 = 35
MemReshBetAleph --- (803 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation", Abram.
VauHayYodKafReshBet --- pr.n. "Blessing of Yah".
LamedTetReshGimelAleph --- basins, libation bowls.
ReshMemGimel --- to come to an end, cease, fail; finish, complete; to perfect; pr.n. "Completion", "Darkness" --- Cimmerians.
MemReshGimel --- (803 w/f); to over-lay; to cover over; crust, skin, body; bone; self, very; to skin, to flay; to strip, lay bare (the bones), to lick clean.
BetYodReshYodVauHayYod --- pr.n. "Yah Pleads".
ReshKafZainVauYod --- pr.n. "Yah is Mindful".
BetReshAlephMem --- ambush or lurking place; an ambuscade (of troops).
ReshGimelMem --- to flow or gush out; to cast down, overthrow.
GimelReshMem --- to press, bruise, crush.
MemYodNunBet-LamedAyin MemAleph --- (1363 w/f); the mother with the children.
Now finally we come to the attributions.

Mercury, also called quicksilver, is one of the heaviest metals known to mankind, and at room temperature, it oozes about in a liquid form. It was known as mercurius vivens, or “the living mercury,” because even though most metals begin as liquids deep in the earth, mercury is the only one whose final form is still in motion.

Found in tombs in China, Egypt, and India dating back several thousand years, mercury was eventually used in healing medicine. The Greeks figured out that it could be applied to skin conditions, and in the Middle Ages it was discovered to be an effective cure for syphilis. Unfortunately, it was also used in women’s cosmetics, which eventually proved to be fatal.

Mercury is a bit of a weird anomaly when it comes to metals, and is unlike any of the others. Since it’s not hard or malleable, it can’t be scratched, shaped, or bent. It doesn’t conduct heat, but it does react to it, and will expand and contract based on temperatures–that’s why it’s used in thermometers. When it’s frozen, it actually works as an excellent conductor of electricity.

Because it appears as a living, breathing thing in constant motion, mercury is sometimes associated with the serpent. It’s symbolic not only with the life force itself, but also with the aspects of death and decomposition–remember all those ladies who used mercury in cosmetics? Because mercury is dangerous to use, when it comes to magic, it is typically replaced by either silver or mercurial archetypes.

Magical workings involving mercury include communication and progress–after all, the god Mercury was a fleet-footed messenger–as well as mental clarity, higher learning and education, and the ability to be a persuasive and convincing speaker.

Tin is associated with Jupiter, both the planet and the Roman god. It’s shiny and malleable, and the Romans called it plumbum album, which translates to “white lead.” They used it for making mirrors, and even coins. Tin is often used in alloys, being blended with other metals to make something new. Because it resists weathering and corrosion, its alloys can be used in a number of applications; tin items discovered in shipwrecks or buried underground appear almost new, because it doesn’t oxidize.

For magical uses, tin is often associated with sexuality and the sacral chakra, so it can be used in rituals to attract the things you desire most. Success and prosperity, abundance, and healing energy–particularly rejuvenation and regeneration–are often tied to tin, which, on a physical level, acts as a bactericide. In some belief systems, lightning is associated with tin. Lightning bolts are a symbol of the god Jupiter, so items charged during a lightning storm can be potent magical tools indeed.

Because tin naturally has some awesome acoustic properties, it’s often used in the making of bells and musical instruments. If you’re using healing sounds in your rituals, consider adding tin bells or bowls.
Cinquefoil / Five Finger Grass
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Folk Names: Crampweed, Five Finger Grass, Five Finger Blossom, Cinquefoil, Goosegrass, Goose Tansy, Moor Grass, Pantaphyllon, Silver Cinquefoil, Silverweed, Sunkfield or Synkefoyle
Parts Used: Arial Parts

Cliquefoil belongs to the Rosaceae family and is commonly called Creeping or European Cinquefoil. It’s scientific name is Potentilla Reptans and it commonly blooms in June to August with dainty yellow flowers.

Magickal Uses Of Cinquefoil
Cinquefoils flowers are surrounded by 5 leaves creating a star shape these leaves are said to represent love, money, health, power and wisdom. When you carry cinquefoil it is said grant any of these 5 representations.
Cinquefoil is also used for protection and to remove curses and hexes. For protection it is hung above the door or placed on the bed. It is said that an infusion of the leaves can be used to wash away hexes and curses when you bathe your forehead and hands nine times.
To protect home from negative influences simply fill an eggshell with the herb and leave it in a safe place.
When carried in mojo a bag it brings love, money, health, power, and wisdom.
Anise is associated with the element of air, the God Apollo, the planets Mercury and Jupiter and the astrological sign Gemini. Anise is also considered masculine.
Hang an anise seed head from your bedpost to restore lost youth.
Use anise in dream pillows to keep away nightmares and ensure a good night’s sleep.
Fresh anise leaves or anise seeds used in a potpourri will protect a room from evil spirits and intentions.
It can be used in holy waters for blessing and exorcisms.
It is said that the scent stirs up lust.
Anise seeds carried in a sachet will ward off the evil eye.
Anise aids in divination and may be added to a ritual bath and/or burned while meditating or divining.
Anise has been used as an offering to entice spirits to aid in magical operations.
Thistle : Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing ... ic-2/1174/
Magical Properties of Chicory
According to old grimoires, chicory is a marvellous herb. However, it needs to be treated in a special way in order to be potent. Let’s see some of its correspondences.

Element: Air

Planet: Sun

Deities: Ra, Apollo, Helios

To unlock the powers of this humble herb the witch should use the power of three. Three magical keys unlock its magic. One key is the time, one key is the tool and the last one is the attitude. Therefore, Chicory should be cut with a golden knife – as it corresponds to the Sun and the metal of the Sun is Gold, in Midsummer’s eve – for this is the Day of Solar Deities and entities – or day and in total silence – to show that you are also humble. If you manage to do this chicory is believed to have multiplied abilities.
One of the most interesting abilities of this herb is the following. According to old grimoires, chicory cut in the way described right above, has the ability to open locked door if placed against them. However, modern witches believe that this is actually a metaphor. Therefore, pieces of Chicory root – or even better the whole root, is carried in charmed bags as a road opener – to remove obstacles.
Old Grimoires, use chicory for another interesting ability. It is believed that if used in a certain way, chicory can grant its bearer invisibility. However, the ritual is not described.
Moreover, anointing your body (providing that you are not allergic to it) with chicory’s juice, promotes a positive outlook and can help you be favoured by powerful men.
Smudging with chicory can break curses.
Burn it in your altar for magical and prophetic powers. ... icory.html
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"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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Now. Let's talk OFFERINGS (Because let's be honest, that's why you're reading this.)

Each and every aspect of an entity's correspondences tells you something about them - and thus, what offerings would be good for them.

For Marbas, we see that He has an association with the color orange, so it's not too far a stretch to say that an orange candle would be a good offering - but because of the magickal associations of orange with creativity and fun, it's also not a stretch to suggest that some form of creative self-expression would also make a good offering. When you combine that with yellow, His other color, the more empowering the creation makes you feel, the better.

We see that He has associations with healing and also with learning - taking Marbas to a hospital or taking Him to a class on biology or any other medical arts class would be another good offering.

His association with fire and air suggests that anything that inspires you, and the beginning of any project, would also interest Him. If you decide you need to write a speech or article on something that you're passionate about (ah, now I see why President Marbas popped into my head for this article), Marbas is going to be interested in being part of it.

With His qlippothic association, we see that He's involved with the enlightenment that comes from the breaking down of causal constraints - so if you have old programming that causes you to create the same situations/relationships, over and over, then Marbas might be helpful in breaking you free of those - but He also might be interested in the journey of that being an offering to Him.

We see with His tarot correspondences that He would enjoy an offering of charity or a celebration in His name.

With His lunar mansion, we again see the aspect of letting things go - so this, again, confirms that as an offering to Him, and His gematria also shows links to this.

His metals, mercury and tin, again suggest that an offering of communication of knowledge is a good one - but it also looks like an offering of music wouldn't be untoward.

His plants are used for protection, divination, health, and opening blocked roads - so an offering of divination about a health issue, or about a blockage you need to break through, would also be enjoyable to Him.

Lastly, His incense is again used for protection and for the breaking of things - so find something that needs breaking, and break it in Marbas' name.

All His associations can, of course, be offerings in and of themselves, but I really wanted to show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I hope this article inspires you with regards to your own demon mentors, patrons, and companions.
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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Your favourite Demon?: Beelzebub, Lucifer, Lord Satan, Marquess Marchosias
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Raven....I cannot find the words to truly describe your total awesomeness :crazy: You answer questions I didn't think to ask. It's all there. Listen, If you're not too busy, maybe you and I could pal around with Underworld Demons and go library-hopping in their realm. :headbang: Maybe check out their museums. I bet they have amazing museums! :devillove:

I'll love you till my dying day just for the links alone. So much work, and I deeply appreciate your willingness to share. I shall apply what you have taught to deepen my ties with Lord Satan and Lady Marchosias, as they have both been so generous to me with their time and attention, I do not feel I have even begun to seriously honor and thank them in return.

I know that it is kinda silly to say, they know what it is truly in my heart and soul, better than I know myself. My reaching out to them would have availed me nothing if they saw only a dabbler, a "weekend LHPer" I was always drawn to them because they understand, they embody, they ARE, the very spirit of honor itself.

Being honorable is not an "outside" code of behavior one "adopts". A way of "behaving in public" that has nothing to do with one's real self, It is a state of being. It is part of the core of who one really is. (Press the "Rant Block" button at any time, I don't mind)
"Push something hard enough...and it will fall over."
Fudds First Law Of Opposition

“All art that is not mere storytelling or mere portraiture is symbolic...If you liberate a person or a landscape from the bonds of motives and their actions, causes and their will change under your eyes, and become a symbol of infinite emotion, a perfected emotion, a part of the Dark Divine Essence.”

William Butler Yeats

(The italicized word “dark” is my addition.)
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Patron Deities: Paimon, Asmoday, Leviathan, Azazel, Amducius
Your favourite Demon?: Paimon
Number of Demon Familiars: 12
Location: Southeastern Missouri
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Passchendaele wrote:
Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:53 am
Raven....I cannot find the words to truly describe your total awesomeness You answer questions I didn't think to ask. It's all there.
I'm so glad you found this helpful! :devillove: Please, let me know how using this information with Lady Marchosias and Lord Satan!
Passchendaele wrote:
Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:53 am
Listen, If you're not too busy, maybe you and I could pal around with Underworld Demons and go library-hopping in their realm. Maybe check out their museums. I bet they have amazing museums!
OMFG - that is not something I've done yet and WOW, what a great idea! I LOVE museums!
"She’s all the unsung heroes who... never quit." ― R. A. Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet
“Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: First Series
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