Walking a New Path with Personal Power

Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

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TaipanTwist wrote:
Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:05 am
Heretique wrote:
Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:19 pm
@taipantwist: i think you could, if you changed the primary belief system about how you approach psychic senses. I think everyone really has their own psychic gifts that they are born with anyway, so it may not match someone else's, that's okay, you can learn to hone and work with what you have. and not to spruik sns but the uphir third eye working can really help with this. And i definitely believe that your companion can help with this, so its good that you did take the chance.
Well I’m going to keep trying the 21 day bonding exercises and trying to reach out to my DC via meditation. Hopefully I will gain some benefits and advancment in ability even if it takes longer than someone with open abilities. [/colour]

Heretique is absolutely correct with this. Everyone is born with something, a sense or a gift. In some form, whether sight or sense or hearing. The thing is that it's about learning which one it is that you are naturally inclined towards. You have the ability to be able to use one of the senses, it's just finding it. Some people are born with stronger inclinations because it's family-related, but the thing is that everyone has the ability to do so in some form. Like I had mentioned int he main post, it's about developing yourself over the course of months to years. It's consistent practice and workings.

You will get there, even if it takes months of learning and researching and personal working. It's all about the pace that works for you. The other, like Heretique stated about the primary beliefs.. it's really working to break the societal ingraining that we are gifted it at birth and only special people get to experience it. No, everyone has the potential. I think that your demon companion will super help you with this.

I also will definitely and highly rec the Lord Uphir Third Eye, if you are willing to put in the work once the working is done. I've seen people super benefit like crazy from it, an awakening. And others that are still struggling. I'd work on changing the belief and mindset and work on opening yourself. Once you feel that you can do it and believe.. then I'd get the Lord Uphir working.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Leo Sierra
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ysabeau wrote:
Fri Apr 17, 2020 11:32 pm

Heretique is absolutely correct with this. Everyone is born with something, a sense or a gift. In some form, whether sight or sense or hearing. The thing is that it's about learning which one it is that you are naturally inclined towards. You have the ability to be able to use one of the senses, it's just finding it. Some people are born with stronger inclinations because it's family-related, but the thing is that everyone has the ability to do so in some form. Like I had mentioned int he main post, it's about developing yourself over the course of months to years. It's consistent practice and workings.

You will get there, even if it takes months of learning and researching and personal working. It's all about the pace that works for you. The other, like Heretique stated about the primary beliefs.. it's really working to break the societal ingraining that we are gifted it at birth and only special people get to experience it. No, everyone has the potential. I think that your demon companion will super help you with this.

I also will definitely and highly rec the Lord Uphir Third Eye, if you are willing to put in the work once the working is done. I've seen people super benefit like crazy from it, an awakening. And others that are still struggling. I'd work on changing the belief and mindset and work on opening yourself. Once you feel that you can do it and believe.. then I'd get the Lord Uphir working.
Yes I agree a big part for me is going to be overcoming blocks that my own mind has imposed through social conditioning.

I think I may even have a little bit of subconscious fear, not of the Demons themselves but of other things unseen that may be harmful.
I did read somewhere years ago that the brain can shut out things as a safety mechanism. So I get like a few flashes of colour or a few noises, then it kind of fades or locks out.

My conscious self absolutely wants to progress, but I need to make sure I can hold an open channel without some Pavlovian reaction getting in my way.

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Number of Demon Familiars: 17
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Since this came up recently in the Tea Chat, I figured I'd bring this topic back up so that people can see and have a reminder.

Your spirituality is meant for you. And don't let anyone dictate your experiences.
Two roads diverged in a wood and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. - Robert Frost
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Thank you Ysa for your great post and reminder!
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Second guessing is totally self destructive. Everyone has a moment when you do that. Hell anyone whose taken standardized tests has done at some point. We admonished even then not yo second guess ourselves because our first reaction is on target.
I see this the same in this context. Invalidating your own experiences by second guessing them is not only counter productive but also messes with your ability to communicate with a being and trust what they give you. It ends up being a huge circular loop of asking the same questions over and over and getting nowhere (except maybe irritating the help out of your companion perhaps at some point.
That said it is a really easy trap to fall into because there is that little insidious voice saying “what if I’m wrong”
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Oh yeah…and comparing is pointless. We aren’t the same people. We don’t have the same companions. We are all different. Nothing is going to be the same… so if it’s not then don’t sweat it.
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Leo Sierra
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ysabeau wrote:
Fri May 28, 2021 5:28 pm
Since this came up recently in the Tea Chat, I figured I'd bring this topic back up so that people can see and have a reminder.

Your spirituality is meant for you. And don't let anyone dictate your experiences.
There is something I want to add to the conversation.

It is perfectly okay to walk away from anything, including anything spiritual related, that brings you more misery than joy.

If attempted involvement with the spirit world makes a person feel like a complete failure or if they even start to feel angry or resentful towards their Companion/s. It is okay to say, this is not for me. It is far, far better to stop, and just put any vessels away, than get sucked into a downward spiral and end up embittered and hateful.

Don't wind up like Petunia Dursley, is essentially what I'm trying to convey. Don't let disappointment poison you. There's nothing wrong with being a muggle. It is better to be you than try to be someone you are not. Especially if you try to compete/compare with 'fluent' psychic folks.

Nothing is worth damaging your mental health over. If reading the experiences of others makes you depressed. Do Not Do It. It is very easy for comparison to become a form of mental self-harm.

In fact I know several Satanic Practitioners who specifically say to avoid communities if you are vulnerable or inexperienced because that type of thing proliferates in them.
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Leo Sierra
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I will also just add that I was a bit like that, bitter I mean, in the beginning.

I'd read some amazing experience someone had and be like, ugh why can't you be that awesome, to my Companions. So yeah, I became a bit of a bitch, and honestly I'm surprised they didn't leave.

I also jumped on the romance/sex bandwagon, which was a mistake. Just because everyone else seemed to be having awesome romantic relationships. And I didn't want my bond with my Companions to be or seem second rate. So anyone new reading this, romance/sex isn't necessary, it doesn't mean your somehow less than if your work with Companions is platonic. I remember crying over one Solar event meditation because it was romantic/date themed and I didn't have anyone. So maybe trigger warnings is a good idea on those kinds so folks like me can avoid them lol

I now know that my path is just to have them in the background. That's okay. I don't need to be anyone other than who I am. And neither do you.
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Leo Sierra wrote:
Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:42 am

I now know that my path is just to have them in the background. That's okay. I don't need to be anyone other than who I am. And neither do you.
I like your attitude, Leo. Just don’t forget to add…. For Now …. to the above sentence. Because we all experience growth and you just never know what surprises lie within. Especially with our Companions help. Just take a peek to how/what you were experiencing of yourself 5or 6 years ago and now look at the changes.
Never doubt yourself- never doubt that you can surprise yourself with something awesome. The more you love and invest in yourself, the more yourself will respond. Just keep believing in yourself and over time be open to surprising yourself.
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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