Shop Launch & Solstice Reveal ~ Kiss of Khaos

~Come Check out the stores of the Night Market~
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Welcome the unveiling of an entirely new Shop of Sorcery based entirely on supernatural physical turnings.

Expect the first set of Khaos Kissed turning/transformation listings around a surprise theme to be released December 26th on the Capricorn New Moon! Make sure to subscribe to the website's newsletter to receive the announcement when this comes out !

As of right now I am hosting a special launch offer within the part of the shop that honors all old revived Phantasmory listings. This is a one of a kind deal particularly centered around the jovial spirit of the holidays which has never been offered before in Phantasmory .. a BOGO free! This will last until the New Year, so don't miss out! You can find the revived offers here by using the drop down menu to navigate the various categories;

The code to activate your offer is : 'NEWDECADE'


Many of you have been aware of the limbo state that the website has been in as I have felt out various new directions towards its eventual resurgence. I have been redefining it and restructuring it according to my evolving values, path, interests, and alignments and in some ways I just felt like there was no logical way I could bring the entity of the company itself as I knew it forward along with me on my path. In that space, I let it sit. I let it go and stepped back to focus on the pursuits that would eventually feed back in and nourish its vital rebirth.

I am happy to announce on this day of a very sacred portal, on the final winter solstice before the new decade, in the darkness of pure creationary release is the unveiling of an entirely new corporation! A new era!

The Kiss of Khaos!

Phantasmory as you know it is now gone, swallowed and consumed by this new behemoth which is motivated by a deep and profound vision of mine. A vision of elite powers, supernatural transformations, potent gateways of the self, and prestigious alchemical parties of the night where unheard of transfigurations may take place.

In the time when I gave Phantasmory space and stepped back from it I was drawn to places where I came across many facets of an ever unfolding vision I had for myself and for others. I discovered branches of magick as related to the shamanic forays I had been doing for a very long time, path walking that lent itself to extreme transfigurations but which came forth to me in all new forms, with all new secrets and cryptic codes of possibility. I dived deeper into the exploration of the physical body as a magickal portal, as something that could be altered far beyond what people tend to think. I fell down a rabbit hole into a place of sorcery that truly ignited my passions for incredible power and change.

I have spent a majority of my path figuring out how to make the supernatural more tangible and present for people. The previous conception of Phantasmory was built around making it more tangible for the mind by utilizing wacky symbology, vivid imagery, and journeys to render a bridge or a gateway that would unlock those energies within one’s inner world. In my journeys over the past two years, in my recent initiations and deific devotions, I have discovered the physical body as an incredible container for wondrous supernatural feats and this is what I have decided to hone in on as my passionate pursuit for this next decade, for myself and others.

The idea for Kiss of Khaos is the idea that you can physically become more than what you are. Just like the legends you can court that kiss of turning. Your power need not be limited to energetic or imaginal spheres, there is a whole vat of untapped potential contained in your physical presence for meeting and becoming one with the otherworldly. This is intended to unlock a dimension of life for many that allows the forces of their journey to be felt, tangible, physical, and evident in ways never experienced before. With these new scale of offerings you will find you are granted the opportunity to physicalize the spiritual expression of your journey, to make manifest this gateway between this world and the next.

The promise is supernatural transformation, rooted deep in the physical body. Modeled after all the most prestigious transformations in human lore; vampires, werewolves, mermaids, dragons, immortals. There is an endlessness to what we may pull from to root you into a higher plane, there is such a whimsy to the possibilities at hand for us.


The model for this is completely different than Phantasmory and will allow me to streamline the completion of services in a much more efficient fashion. The offerings are cyclical, meaning they will be cycled in and out according to the state of the moon. Most all of these will be limited in stock and availability so as to adhere to the constraints of the casting schedule. Once they are up, if you feel drawn it is important to honor that call because they will offer a unique set of transformative inner codes that will not be offered again if you are to miss out due to them being sold out or the new theme replacing.

Each month, on the new moon, I release a set of themed listings spread throughout the various supernatural domains or ‘categories’. The theme will correspond with something I am exploring in my path or in the collective energies that feels to be at peak primacy and potency. The meaning behind the theme will be detailed and explored in the newsletter (so, do subscribe!).

Around the day of, before, and after the full moon I will cast and complete all services. The next new moon will see the release of a new theme of services, with the old ones cycling out, as well as the delivery of any write-ups, codes, channels, enns, etc, connected to the services cast during the prior full moon. You will never again have to worry about when your service will be completed. If you purchase it before the cut off date of the full moon you will have it cast with that full moon, if you purchase it after the full moon you will have it cast with the next coming full moon in the new cycle.

The full moon here adds to the lore of transformative energies, for you are being augmented by a supernatural being, transformed, kissed, graced, bitten. It honors the lycanthropic wonder of possibility as spread across the grand scale of supernatural lore. With this, the very first set of listings are being released the day after Christmas, the 26th, with the new moon in the sign of Capricorn… a perfect energy to launch this wondrous endeavor with you all. Stay tuned for the newsletter to be released that day which will be detailing the focus of the theme and its pressing significance for these times.


You can find the website through the link :

and PLEASE email exclusively through the new email!

Overall, I am very excited for this new wave of sorcery to be offered. I have grand ambitions for you all to experience wondrous advancement and evolution in your journey as humans reaching towards the physical expression and experience of the supernatural. There is nothing more brilliant.


~Empress Kandy (or she of many names)
cotton candy delirium
...madness like sugar
still dark
but colored
ravenous ecstasy
in cookies cream
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Kore Serpens
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yaay vixen.... love your ideas for a new shop
"Good morning. I see the assassins have failed….”

“In the end it doesn't matter who or what you are - only that you've been embraced by all that you've become ... "
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