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Clairaudient breakthrough

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:21 pm
by Gauche
Earlier I was practicing a way to claim space using 'sacred geometry'. Essentially creating a double pyramid shape, one right side up and one inverted both connected at the bases to make one shape with myself in the center. I sometimes do this in place of " the white light sheild" in my own private way.

I always refer to hearing my companion's speak as a high pitched screeching sound like crickets or tinnitus and i noticed several things that all just hit me at once.
1)I had been under the impression that the high pitched sounds i hear were my inability to translate energy into the proper sounds to understand them.
2) if i meditate to nature sounds--specifically heavy rain and thunderstorm sounds--it helps me translate those energies better and i can actually hear words sometimes
3)i become exceptionally thirsty after trying to communicate directly with my companions for a length of time.

After the interaction i just had,i think i had misunderstood myself. It was never my inability to translate their energies into words that was the issue..i can hear the noise when they talk. its my inability to stabilize my OWN energy levels that makes me hear that high pitched noise. My own energy being sporatic and jumping around like a ghost box--always flipping channels and freqencies--is causing the interference. In some of the reference material S&S provides they compare it to a radio playing and trying to tune into the right frequency. In my case,i feel i am the radio but energetically i stay on shuffle.

What leads me to believe this is the case is that when i meditate with storm sounds or other nature sounds,i am able to kind of balance myself out more. Walking in nature also yeilds similar results leaving me much more open to communication after.

Its no secret that the throat chakra is largely responsible for communication,physically and metaphysically, and isnt surprising i always become exceptionally thirsty when my intent was communication. I started focusing directly on my throat chakra instead of my third eye and crown after having all these ideas shoot through my head. I heard one of my companions say "yes" like in one of the ways you would say it when someone finally gets it 🙄.

I'm not sure if this will be useful to anyone else,but for anyone that works with energy or conpanions,it leaves me asking myself this question,so I'll ask it of whoever reads this: Do you really know what you thought you knew?

Re: Clairaudient breakthrough

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:45 am
by Kitsune
Congratulations, first and foremost! It's always fun when you finally figure out the solution to a problem you have.

I think this is really important to note, as that is also mine and many other's problem as well. It's also not something you tend to think about when practicing skill development. Thank you for sharing your experience and insight! ^ ^

Re: Clairaudient breakthrough

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:19 am
by Amaranth Rose
Oh! I get those tinny sounds and ringing too sometimes. I wonder if it's just me or them. I want to try this out in my next meditation!! Thank you!! :zen:

Re: Clairaudient breakthrough

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 8:42 am
by Gauche
Amaranth Rose wrote: ↑
Wed Jan 29, 2020 4:19 am
Oh! I get those tinny sounds and ringing too sometimes. I wonder if it's just me or them. I want to try this out in my next meditation!! Thank you!! :zen:
For me,in this case, it seems like its a little of my companions will be on a stable wave length like a heart beat and i can hear sound,but it feels like i cant energetically stop myself from spiking or dropping very well and i think that is what is making the sound,my spiking smacking into their stability,kinda like if you take stone and smack metal but doing it fast how you have waves and waves of feedback..kind of like that my energy just going smack smack smack instead of meshing lol

Re: Clairaudient breakthrough

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 7:39 pm
by DrFaustus
...I think you just gave me ideas concerning some of my blocks.

I tend to feel a pressure growing around the back of my neck/head when I'm meditating and trying to take in energy or communicate.

I've also had a general desire to express myself in more expansive ways, but I've struggled with it.

Maybe if I zero in on my throat chakra, everything else will get a little simpler or clearer?

Congratulations on the breakthrough, and thanks for sharing.

Re: Clairaudient breakthrough

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:57 pm
by Eilana
This is a really interesting post for me on a lot of levels. I recently (last 6 months) started studying and working with a similar type of meditation that you describe with the two triangles, if you're talking about what I think you're talking about. I refer to it as a Merkaba at this point and have just been studying them and sacred geometry in general. I do a lot of personal exploration, meditation and energy work in general out of my own curiosity. I came from a scientific background before becoming a priestess (I was a computer engineer). Since energy is something that is very real and tangible, something measurable for me, I really like to experiment with things.

When I first started developing my spiritual communication skills, which was many years ago now, I had the ringing kind of sound. I never tried to listen to sounds of nature or storms, but I would be really interested to hear from others if they experience this and try it, what their results would be.

It's also funny you bring up ghost boxes, as my first experience with one was well after I had spent time developing my psychic senses and upon hearing it, it completely scrambled my third eye. It took me weeks to fix it and was one of the most horrible things I ever had happen to me. But I can laugh about it now LOL .... I do wonder though (and I'm not inclined to test at this point) if listening to nature sounds or storms could have helped 'undo' the damage from that experience.
Gauche wrote: ↑
Tue Jan 28, 2020 9:21 pm
I'm not sure if this will be useful to anyone else,but for anyone that works with energy or conpanions,it leaves me asking myself this question,so I'll ask it of whoever reads this: Do you really know what you thought you knew?
This has been very interesting and thought provoking. Thank you Gauche.

Do I really know what I thought I knew .... I ask myself this every single day and often answer it with no LOL my understanding of everything is constantly evolving as I continue to learn and I think it always will.