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Etheric Crystal Healing

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:13 pm
by User546
It is with great pleasure that I announce the availability of my Etheric Crystal Healing service!

Etheric Crystals are energetic blueprints of physical crystals that have the consciousness of the original crystal imbued within them.

These Etheric copies can be sent anywhere in spacetime and will emit healing energy continuously for 24 hours.

The Crystal Energy can be applied to specific chakras or body parts, the aura, or given other instructions on how to flow or behave while it is active.

Additionally, Etheric Crystals can be coded with specific intent or other energies such as the frequencies of healing plants, essential oils, or other power objects.

At the end of the 24 hour cycle the Etheric Crystals will dissipate harmlessly. Quite often the healing effect will last much longer than this initial time period.

Special Introductory Pricing is as follows:

One Etheric Crystal for $13
Three Etheric Crystal Combo for $23
Seven Etheric Crystal Combo for $47

Purchases can be made through this link

BONUS: If you mark your payment "Friends and Family" I will program your Etheric Crystal Energy to emit for an additional 24 hours, 48 hours total!

Once the purchase has been made, I will contact you to arrange the details of your service. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours of purchase, feel free to email me at

Experiences with this service can be viewed on the following thread:


Look for a new thread in this section of the forum where I will be introducing my personal collection of crystals and helping you get to know their remarkable attributes and healing abilities.


I offer my utmost gratitude to my allies in The Mineral Kingdom who bless us with their healing energies!