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Connecting and targeting

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 8:47 pm
by Gauche
I've been practicing my own understanding of energy workings with my ultimate goal to be able to become an accomplished healer. I've learned so much from working on myself, a few animals,and people very close to me. My issue is connecting long distance to people i do not already have a connection with or taglock. I cannot grasp on methods of actually connecting with anyone that I havent already been exposed to.
I'm likely creating my own blocks, but is there anyone willing to share their insights and their own understandings of connecting?

Or could suggest any sort of literature related to the methodologies?
Flux got my curiosity stirred again with their post about the minimal information needed..but i am more enthralled by the methods of using that information. I possess a gift of connection that is unique..i just have no idea how to actually utilize it so I thought I'd pose my questions here :)

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:10 pm
by Heretique
So do you mean like a physical taglock, or something like someone’s name or photograph? Or do you mean random people? I suppose it also depends on how you usually connect with people. I consider everything to be energy, usually i have seen if you are doing something from a distance, some kind of visualisation is necessary to connect to the particular energy body, some kind of permission is usually granted ( unless it is baneful in which case there isn’t any though usually I find for baneful stuff it isn’t just some random person and you do know something about them before hand), generally form a name or some basic information I can visualise the being in question and connect with there energy body astrally from that through tracing it, there is a certain level of “intuitive trust” I suppose. Also if you know their kind of “ story” in a way it makes it easier to connect to their current or energy, personally I have used wyrd threads if I really don’t know them but that is specific to me. and I’m sure there are ways to condense and make the ability to connect more succinct and streamlined in manner with more practice to ensure it is the right being you are connecting with. Sometimes in terms of healing having an idea of the template of the energy systems can be helpful too, but it is best not to rely on that otherwise you may miss actually connecting to them. Though I do not practice this a lot and others more experienced may have better insights.

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:14 pm
by Heretique
So I consider names to be energy and for connecting it’s about tuning into their current or vibration, certainly for something like healing I’d want a bit more info then just a name but that is just me. And it also helps say if it’s done over the internet if they are there live with you as it makes it much easier to sense and connect. If you did want to practice maybe try doing divination for people as that could help you learn how to connect?

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:46 pm
by Gauche
Heretique wrote:
Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:14 pm
So I consider names to be energy and for connecting it’s about tuning into their current or vibration, certainly for something like healing I’d want a bit more info then just a name but that is just me. And it also helps say if it’s done over the internet if they are there live with you as it makes it much easier to sense and connect. If you did want to practice maybe try doing divination for people as that could help you learn how to connect?
My divination skills are poor at best,though i have had great results with oracle and tarot. Yes i meant random people in the sense of an example if i were to try and connect and do a healing for you. Not random to the extent of it being a passerby,just someone that has given permission that i may or may not have actually met.

Up until recently i would have ((for distance workings)) the other person draw a sigil of my own design,something that is personal to me and that i reaonate with,and have them write their name and date of birth in it. Its given me enough foothold to sort of connect with myself at a distance and ultimately to them,but i want to be able to do that not sure how to say it..using myself as a catalyst for myself?

I can use physical objects for taglocks and to be able to connect over a distance..just..i dont understand how to utilize less, i cant find the understanding in myself to be able to find a flow of energy from someone's name/dob/picture.

Even with my companions..they have a binding of myself with them as well as their bi ding with me,so i use the overlapping of my own connection to myself to locate and try and match their vibrations, i just feel like i use it as a crutch and I'd like to be able to stand on my own two legs so to speak.

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:00 am
by Heretique
okay um maybe in a way recognizing that like the name/ d.o.b/picture, isn't just information it kind of is a direct link to them and a part of their energy systems. for example there are some beliefs that names have power and to know the name gives you power over them- though in my view it is the true name of something that does this not just a regular name but i digress. i don't really know how to explain it. others i have seen doing this use their third eye to connect; I'm going to post a link to another forum which it is explained how to scan someone- if you are interested ... scan/56267 (balg may not always be good but sometimes it has some interesting info) its kind of similar to how you attune to demonic as sns teaches. also in distance reiki while there is a specific symbol that is used for distance healing, they usually use a proxy, like a toy or even a poppet- which delves into magickal effects, which is in front of you- connected with like a photo to do the healings. I think your sigil idea is quite interesting as well, its not something i've heard of often, but if it works for you thats great. also you may want to look into poppet magick for maybe some more info on how the connection is formed, which could give ideas on what to do in your case.

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:07 am
by Heretique
i keep missing the edit window sorry, but just a thought, if you have ever connected to a demon lord via enn, it can essentially be quite similar to using the name of something to connect, like enns are like calling cards, maybe you could use the name as something similar- as in recognizing while it may seem obvious, there is a being and energy behind the name, though i do think the attune idea would work quite well personally. for me i read strongest when i am in "physical" contact ie actually touching a being, so i generally project and touch their energy bodies to connect and read, though that is just me and there are other ways i'm sure.

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:42 am
by Gauche
Heretique wrote:
Sat Feb 15, 2020 4:07 am
i keep missing the edit window sorry, but just a thought, if you have ever connected to a demon lord via enn, it can essentially be quite similar to using the name of something to connect, like enns are like calling cards, maybe you could use the name as something similar- as in recognizing while it may seem obvious, there is a being and energy behind the name, though i do think the attune idea would work quite well personally. for me i read strongest when i am in "physical" contact ie actually touching a being, so i generally project and touch their energy bodies to connect and read, though that is just me and there are other ways i'm sure.
I think this has given me a better understanding. I've used some of these methods,sort of,without realizing what I was doing but they were still mostly in person. When I have one on one training sessions and I'm training and mentoring broker dealers or having one on one meetings with clients i internally visualize my crown,third eye,and throat chakras like they are horizontal hula hoops and bouncing around me and the other person inside of them. It seems to let me be able to teach and feel where they are at better and seems to also allow them to be more receptive. I've never tried to do it over a distance just because i had anxiety of trying to find a random energy signature.

I've tied my essence to a plant as a suggestion by another member (( it was along the ideas of using it to take a hit for you from back lash)) though i have been using it kind of like a poppet to do energy workings on myself, moving it farther and farther away for workings, so i could see that working if i maybe made something of wax to do workings on and somehow tied it personally to someone.

It was helpful and i think i have a better understanding, thanks for the replies.

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:05 am
by Caldazar
Thread necromancy, yay... is this still an issue?
I know an energy healer that easily connects via discord i can make a connection between you two if u want.

Re: Connecting and targeting

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:53 am
by Sansah
I know that when I use my abilities to heal small ailments, with some people I would just need only their names. With others, I realized I need a picture of them or them physically have to be near or in front of me, for me to work. It depends on how your abilities work and in correlation of the target.