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Lady Lilith Guided Meditation

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 6:19 pm
by User546
Just WOW!

What is really wild is that S&S must have uploaded this amazing Meditation video to YouTube right when I was in the middle of my very first demonic devotional hook suspension ritual.

Every time I do any blood letting ritual I offer the pain, blood, and energy to Lilith out of love.

And then to come home after and see that you had just uploaded this was such delightful synchronicity!

I just finally had the chance to do the mediation now and all I can say is that it was the most powerful guided meditation yet.

I felt Lilith descend on to me and felt her reaching into my solar plexus and opening up blocks and then washing energy all over me and opening my throat chakra as well. My physical vocal cords even activated multiple times during the meditation and made sound just from huge bursts of energy that I was receiving!

Akelta you are a true artist and clear channel of this divine energy. Your voice is extremely hypnotic and relaxing and beautiful and I love listening to it! Everything about this meditation was mixed perfectly and was totally immersive and allowed me to really leave default reality and float up somewhere else.

Thank you so much for that powerful experience and I can't wait to hear the rest!
