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Musings on Belief and Manifestation

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2020 11:25 am
by DrFaustus
Some thoughts from my current workings -

You can't force yourself to believe something. If you focus on thought with the intention of bringing it to physical form but cannot shake the worry that it lacks sufficient energy or that other thoughts will counteract it, you are demonstrating that you truly believe it won't take form.

To my understanding, strong belief your magic has been successful is necessary to make it so, or it helps immensely. But the word belief doesn't encapsulate all that's meant when this is said.

Narcissists believe lots of things about themselves on a conscious level that has no foundation, which is why they crumble when faced with the truth.

Their true beliefs about themselves are that they are incompetent and ugly and worthless, and they cast lies onto the outside world to make themselves persecuted heroes because they cannot face what lies within themselves.

There's a lesson to be learned here. Most of us are nowhere close to being so delusional, but we all have pleasant lies we cling to in a vain attempt to protect ourselves from realities we deem ourselves too small to face.

You haven't achieved success when you force yourself to believe something that contradicts observed reality. You have achieved success when you dig deep enough that your beliefs automatically shift based on an inner knowing, a gnosis that you have expanded beyond the ego self and impressed your energy on the fabric of reality.

When successful, faith in your workings rises spontaneously and the ego mind will fight it in the initial stages. Energies will begin to move you, guide your actions, position you for what is to come.

"Belief" that stems from the ego mind is too easy, bears too few questions and struggles, requires no transformation. It's the feeling that accompanies watching The Secret, meditating for ten minutes and being absolutely certain the universe will manifest a Ferrari for you.

Manifestation is a change within the universe, and all change begins within the self because the true self contains and is contained by the universe.

Am I speaking sense? This is very stream of consciousness. It feels important. Thought I'd share. Maybe there's more to add, something to correct.

Re: Musings on Belief and Manifestation

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:05 am
by Heretique
These are some interesting insights you have gained thankyou for sharing. Hm I come form a chaos magick background so “ belief” in that practice is something that is used and shifted a lot, changing paradigms, so I would argue you can kind of force yourself to believe something, the idea is understanding though that the belief is a tool just like any other, then you get into meta beliefs as well. I also think it depends on what your idea of “ truth” is, as in the idea that “ nothing is true everything is possible.” In terms of magick and making it work, in my experiences I think it’s not so much about believing it will work but knowing it does, that is like direct manifestation, knowing to me is from a deeper level, which is similar though to what you have experienced as well I think. I suppose I could wax lyrical about what defines truth, because it can shift and change and maybe there isn’t really something there or maybe there is, I find you example of narcissist interesting, as I suppose everyone has different paradigms in my view and if you believe something strongly enough who is to say it is wrong, after all we create our own realities and who can really say their reality is more “ right” then another’s, right for themselves maybe. but I digress, this is an interesting topic and thankyou for sharing.

Re: Musings on Belief and Manifestation

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:43 am
by Leo Sierra
Magick relies on the strength of the Magician's Will. If you have a strong Will, then you pursue you ambitions and desires with single-minded focus.

To me 'The Secret' sounded a little too much like a confidence trick for the insecure. If you want something badly enough and have intelligence, you will get want you want.

Re: Musings on Belief and Manifestation

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 8:12 am
by SerenitySpells
My issue is focus and distraction.

Just as something is about to manifest I get so excited inside that I lose focus and become distracted with the thought that something is or is about to happen.

No matter how strong my will is my monkey mind is stronger. This is definitely a journey i need to explore and work on further.