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Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 1:49 pm
by SerenitySpells
Ok sorry I do not have access to the 18+ section yet so keeping this as PG as I can.

Most of my dreams are either violent but I am never scared so not nightmares (although my husband thinks those dreams of mine would frighten most people) or about sex.

I am very confused about sex dreams. What do they represent? Normally its me having sex with people in positions of power that I know and me seducing them but not in a traditional way but more due to my sarcasm and game play style of "cat and mouse". I always end up getting them, it is always me in charge to start with then surrendering to them and its always rough, passionate sex with a chance of being caught ( never am). Then I literally wake up thinking "mmm that was good".

Re: Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:29 pm
by Heretique
mostly dreams are personal so the interpretation is usually best done by the person dreaming. However some ideas on this ( that may be by no means the correct interpretation) you say that these dreams are with powerful people; and as sex is coupling, also that you end up being with them in the end- perhaps it is about recognizing or integrating the power you see these people having, into yourself? or recognizing you already have that power within you. it seems that you could be seeking something specifically from these people that you don't necessarily recognize within yourself. but again its just an idea. it could also have just been a good sex dream as well.

Re: Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:34 pm
by SerenitySpells
yes that all makes sense. I find dreams fascinating.

Re: Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:25 am
by Passchendaele
I keep a dream journal. I have done so more or less regularly for about 12 years. Everyone's dream symbology is unique to them, and, you already know what the dream means because you constructed the dream and chose the symbolism That doesn't mean your waking self is knows about it because your waking self was sound asleep when the dream happened.

Funny how that works.

We all see things in our dreams that other people see, houses, the sky, water, neekid people we have sex with. But what those things mean to us are usually very different from the way others see them as meaning. You have many dreams with violence, but it doesn't scare you. I am the same way. I do not frequently have violent dreams, but when I do, it does not disturb me. I do not view dream violence the way I view waking violence. Dream violence is a message to yourself, one that does not disturb you.

What I do with all dreams that re-occur is look for common patterns, is there anything about the violence that happens over and over, (You use the same type of weapon, the "victim" is always dressed in red, it is always raining, ect.) pay special attention to those details because that is you "talking" to your waking self about something you need to bring forward, that your waking self needs to be aware of.

The "emotional" content is often more important than the symbols. How do you feel about committing the violence while you are in the dream? Is there any emotional content connected with it? Are you always the aggressor, or the victim? Or do you change roles? Do you actually commit the violence, or are you viewing others committing violence? Are you "in" the dream?, or an "invisible" spectator that no one else in the dream interacts with?

I have sex in my dreams quite frequently. I am always "in" the dream, an active, and often very enthusiastic, participant. My sex dreams always have a spiritual element because, for me, sex and spirituality are very intertwined. Your sex dreams often include personal power, using it to gain what you want. Remember, the people in your dreams are NOT the people you know in waking life, they represent something unique to you. They are symbols you are manipulating to get a message across to your waking self.

Usually. I say that because, for me, I often have sex on the Astral Plane with persons, or beings, I am attracted to and the sex, while holding a spiritual element, is often of the "hooking up" variety. I have been told, by persons on the Astral, that I am a bit of a slut, but in an endearing way.

My heart is in the right place. I remember a dream from several years ago where I viewed my Astral body in a full length mirror, and said aloud, in the dream, "No wonder I get laid so much while I'm here!" (Sigh) if only my Material body was that hot.

You have said there are reoccurring elements in these dreams, take note of them, write them down whenever theyoccur. Instead of seeking "instant" analysis, just write them down without thinking about interpretation, then go back and read the entries as an unfolding phenomenon, an "on-going story" Ask yourself what the purpose of the sex is in those dreams. You are doing a specific thing for a specific reason, you hope to attain a particular goal by doing this thing with these particular persons.

It is a repeating message. The "sex" is the medium, not the message itself. The message itself may have nothing whatsoever to do with actual sex. My sense is that you are working on a non-material level with personal power issues that reach very deep into your being. VERY deep. The violence is a "flashing sign" "Hey! Pay attention to this! Like, Right. Now." The same applies to the sex. It is being repeated because "you" feel the need to "wake up" your waking self to some very fundamental issues that affect your life right now, or will in the very near future.

Again, this is just my sense of it, this all spirals around one word.... "Control"...on some very deep and important levels.

Re: Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:32 am
by SerenitySpells
I love your thinking and yes I feel I am on a shift right now with my personal powers etc. I believe that the keeping a dream journal is a brilliant idea, I started one years ago but stopped incase the children ever found it and read it. I shall look for a lockable version xxx

Deep thank you and appreciation to both of you xxx

Re: Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:22 am
by Passchendaele
Sengdroma wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:32 am
I love your thinking and yes I feel I am on a shift right now with my personal powers etc. I believe that the keeping a dream journal is a brilliant idea, I started one years ago but stopped incase the children ever found it and read it. I shall look for a lockable version xxx

Deep thank you and appreciation to both of you xxx
I sincerely thank you for sharing your thoughts on my post with the board, and the, I dunno... The "affirmation" that I kinda got it "right?"

What I shared was about 1/3 "experience" and 2/3 "intuition" A note about dream journals, do NOT feel you have to record everything, everyday. That is a sabotage trick your waking self will pull on the Real You to discourage from keeping a dream journal.

Once you get into the habit of keeping a dream journal, the Real You will know what is worth recording and what is simply "filler"

Weeks may pass, even months. No. Big. Deal. You decide what to record. Remember this, Nothing in your dreams is "unknown" to you. In a way that cannot be experienced in your "waking life" you are in total control of your dream life. Your "dream life" is your Astral Self and the "stage" upon which the actions happen are chosen and, every instant...controlled by you.

This is not to say that you might feel "events" are out of control, but they actually are not. Nothing happens within your dreams without some part of you allowing that part to be there.

This realization has freed me from nightmares. It also made possible embracing my True Darkness. My True Path.

Re: Dreams about sex with powerful people I know

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:54 pm
by DrFaustus
Passchendaele wrote:
Tue Apr 14, 2020 4:22 am
What I shared was about 1/3 "experience" and 2/3 "intuition" A note about dream journals, do NOT feel you have to record everything, everyday. That is a sabotage trick your waking self will pull on the Real You to discourage from keeping a dream journal.
For me - at least where I'm at - keeping a daily journal has been hugely important.

I don't think I'll do that forever - I started doing that because remembering my dreams took effort. I also can't pick out what's important and what's not without seeing patterns emerge. When I can contrast and compare specific symbols, or identical responses to different dreams, that's what makes the meanings clear to me. I think it's a matter of internalizing your personal dream dictionary on a conscious level.

What I found is even sitting down to write, "I remember nothing" prompted me to remember more of my dreams, and more than once I recalled at least some small tidbit of a dream while writing that sentence.

If I'm understanding you correctly, I'm reading, "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good," and that's damn good advice. I think I'd add that there's a time and a place for doing something more intensive, but it's like with anything else. Say, meditation - if you tell yourself you have to meditate one hour every single day for the rest of your life, you probably won't get started.

Shit happens. Sometimes you have ten minutes, so you make use of those ten minutes. Sometimes you can't concentrate at all and need a break.

But if you wanted to do hour-long meditations for, say, 30 days, you'd probably see some benefit from that, and the time limit prevents self-sabotage through overwhelm. I'm thinking one could apply similar reasoning to dream journaling.

What's interesting to me is those symbols that do have some kind of universal significance. The subtleties are still unique to the person, but dictionaries and individuals talking about their personal dream symbols all seem to say sex indicates a desire for union with part of oneself, or one's desires.

Water is another very interesting symbol. It's so strongly correlated to the feminine and to the emotions it's almost guaranteed to have something to do with that for whoever dreams of it. Like for myself - I've had dreams where I've recovered my dead childhood self from a lake at the side of the highway, and I've also had dreams where I've ridden in a car over raging currents, and while the specifics relate to my shadow and my traumas, nearly anyone could look at that and surmise that the feminine side of my psyche was trying to communicate something about emotion.

It's almost... LIke the fundamentals (sex and death), or world-spanning symbols are unique in that they carve their mark into us and we build on them.

It's like if you're dreaming about a force of nature it has a meaning all its own, but then you have to take that and figure out what it means to you.