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Keeping promises

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:41 pm
by SerenitySpells
When President Buer first made it known that he was one of my guardians (he was the first to come froward clearly to me), I there and then made a promise. That I would make his name known to a wider circle and try and undo the harm that some of the Abrahamic religions had done to those of the 72. To show for want of a better word that there are 2 sides to every story and if you treat others like shit then that is how they will treat you.

Since then I have slipped his name into every day conversations and when writing the blog (I am part of an external group who write about wellness etc), I have spoke about his connection to Aloe Vera and his connection to healing and herbs etc. Slowly others are now beginning to see another side of the story.

He is such a part of our family now that our 9 year old today asked if he could chat to Buer and ask him to help his knee mend quicker. I said I was sure that would be ok and that he is probably already listening x Well off he went into his bedroom and a little conversation was obviously had in private.

He came out and said "we need to put comfrey on my wound and then it will be fine". Low and behold we did and 3 hrs later the wound is neatly knitting together.

Moral of the story be kind and keep promises. Friendship goes a long way to breaking down barriers x

Re: Keeping promises

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:31 pm
by Mist
Aw! I love this!

Re: Keeping promises

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:01 pm
by CountNastros
That is an amazing story, thank you for sharing this. I love how you're family is involved. My children are as well. Infact we named our first boy Leviathan.
Demonic Blessings