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I've written tomes for old roleplays I've done, and I'm turning my attention back to various projects I've had cooking over the years.

This is one of the more experimental short stories I've put together: The Reaper's Call

I stick mainly to fantasy, but I try to be flexible with my style and what I write. As of now, everything I'm focusing on ties into a singular universe, and I think it's the first thing I'll get to building in earnest among my various ideas.

I'd been dealing with a wicked case of writer's block that's confounded me for years. Turns out, I think it was due to my base and sacral chakras being more than half dead. Getting those back online is getting me more in tune with my purpose, and mythmaking is a huge part of it, whatever the larger picture looks like.

I'm curious as to whether or not any of you have tried your hand at short stories, novels, poems, and whether you'd be willing to share. Now that I'm shaking off nonsense about stuff like this being impractical and too far removed from mundane concerns to warrant focus, I'm feeling a strong need to immerse myself in creativity, and who better to turn to than those who speak with the muses themselves?
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I actually just finished my third creative writing class I’ve taken in college a few weeks ago. I always loved writing but life got busy and I stopped. I thought it’d be cool to take another writing class years later. It’s interesting how things change because growing up I was big on writing stories and I hated poetry. Both in high school and when I was 18 and first took it in college I hated poetry. I struggled greatly with the poetry assignments.

This time around I mostly only did poetry for my assignments. I actually really liked it more than writing stories. Didn’t care much for the class itself though, especially once everything went online for the rest of the semester.

Anyway I’ve come to really like writing poetry now though. I even wrote a poem to Lord Lucifer as an offering. I tend to do my own thing as opposed to following a strict structure.
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Ulala wrote:
Sat May 16, 2020 8:28 pm
It’s interesting how things change because growing up I was big on writing stories and I hated poetry. Both in high school and when I was 18 and first took it in college I hated poetry. I struggled greatly with the poetry assignments.
It's funny, because I'm the opposite. I started with poems and moved to stories.

Of course, the poems were terrible. :lol: I wrote most of them in my early teens, and they were religiously themed because that got me good boy points. It's when my writing went in a... decidedly less god-friendly direction I started keeping it to myself, and slowly got out of the habit.

I'd love to see some of what you've written. Especially the dedication to Lucifer, if that's not too personal. (I completely understand some things made for ritual space need to stay there.)
I'll take you home tonight/To the center of your soul
I'll take you home tonight/Fire and flesh and blood
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DrFaustus wrote:
Sun May 17, 2020 5:05 pm
Ulala wrote:
Sat May 16, 2020 8:28 pm
It’s interesting how things change because growing up I was big on writing stories and I hated poetry. Both in high school and when I was 18 and first took it in college I hated poetry. I struggled greatly with the poetry assignments.
It's funny, because I'm the opposite. I started with poems and moved to stories.

Of course, the poems were terrible. :lol: I wrote most of them in my early teens, and they were religiously themed because that got me good boy points. It's when my writing went in a... decidedly less god-friendly direction I started keeping it to myself, and slowly got out of the habit.

I'd love to see some of what you've written. Especially the dedication to Lucifer, if that's not too personal. (I completely understand some things made for ritual space need to stay there.)
Sure I don’t mind sharing some stuff. That one along with most of them are saved on the college library campus computer. I didn’t have access to a printer at home so I did most of my assignments there and I wrote that one there.They randomly sent a student wide text at the start of the covid situation where I live saying from here on out the campus library is closed. They didn’t give us any warning or time to get stuff off those computers and sent to our personal emails.

So once they open the campus back up I’ll be able to get those. I would like to have them to keep.

Have you been currently working on anything?
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At the moment, I have two main projects - one is much more fleshed out with outlines for all the major events I have planned, the other is still in its infancy outside of defining a couple of its major characters and its world's creation myth.

The one I'm putting time and energy into is tentatively titled Cataclysm's Womb, with the first book bearing the subtitle "The Boy King's Grave."

That title gives hints to what the main plot thread is - a prince is orphaned, an attempt is made on his life, and he's got to journey to take his throne back. He believes he hears the voice of his dead mother, and providence greets him at many points along the way.

However, this takes place in a far flung future - a stagnant Eden. There's an empty city filled with high towers and smooth surfaces that's completely silent and devoid of life, yet it looks the same as if it had just been built. It just... ends at a certain point, and new kingdoms have been erected at its outskirts. The land produces food all on its own, and there's plenty to be had, but there's little in the way of non-human life to be found.

As the boy matures, he's tormented with visions of the land dying, and that turns into the major plot thread for the first three parts of the story.

This is a rough version of what that first chapter is going to look like:
The Place That Gods Built Pt. 1
The Place That Gods Built Pt. 2

This short story takes place in the same universe, and I have several ideas for short stories I plan to write between the plot threads. The idea is that this is a far future Earth, and all the gods are real, so I can place things in the afterlife or anywhere at any point in history. I struggled with how I was going to put things together for a while, but ironically doing some shadow work has made a lot of this fall into place:

The Reaper's Call

I'm also feeling a strong draw to talking about my spiritual experiences. It looks like part of my purpose is waking people up and that involves sharing my experiences. So I tried my hand at something a bit stream-of-consciousness to stretch my legs. I've got more structured posts I'll put up later:

Occult Introduction - Meditation and Creatives

I have plenty more I'd share in PMs with anyone that's interested. Old snippets from roleplays. Bits of dialogue I won't publish publicly on their own sans context. That sort of thing.
I'll take you home tonight/To the center of your soul
I'll take you home tonight/Fire and flesh and blood
Touching the flames tonight/Touching the flames tonight
Morning star embrace me on these grounds
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I write poetry, I occasionally include written material for my published grimoires although I prefer to present magical concepts and invocations visually. I write other things I'm not sure how to describe, occult philosophy topics.

The story you're working on sounds very interesting. I like concepts that deal with mysterious, forgotten or dying cities, the fate and history of a unique sort of kingdom or place.
I began writing a story some years ago called 'The Spider & The Fly' which was set in a strange sort of town, and went into the mysterious relationship with its outskirts. I like to keep chapters short.
Whenever I write 'stories' that way they are based on my dreams, and my dreams often have some basis in otherdimensional reality.
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Noctua wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 8:55 am
I write poetry, I occasionally include written material for my published grimoires although I prefer to present magical concepts and invocations visually. I write other things I'm not sure how to describe, occult philosophy topics.

The story you're working on sounds very interesting. I like concepts that deal with mysterious, forgotten or dying cities, the fate and history of a unique sort of kingdom or place.
I began writing a story some years ago called 'The Spider & The Fly' which was set in a strange sort of town, and went into the mysterious relationship with its outskirts. I like to keep chapters short.
Whenever I write 'stories' that way they are based on my dreams, and my dreams often have some basis in otherdimensional reality.
I can see preferring, say, video to written materials. I have to say, a big part of my spiritual growth spurt over the last year, two years has been videos, live demonstrations. I've had little luck tracking down occultists and specifically ones who work with demons, so enns were new to me when I stumbled on Satan and Sons. But then I love dense books on the subject - I went too far with studying and not practicing, but I'll always have a thing for knowledge for its own sake.

The stories I love the most tend to have a hefty dose of surreality, whether it's comedy like in Hitchhiker's Guide or The Color of Magic or something much darker like The Vorrh.

Without giving too much away, my plans for the story I was describing will involve several time slips, as well as glimpses beyond the veil. In fact, one of the central plot threads is that the veil is growing progressively thinner as the land dies. This leads to all kinds of strange things - visions, people becoming suddenly aware of things that were always present but that they couldn't see, etc.

I find short chapters tend to work best, too. I don't like filling space just to fill space. Some things are best processed a little at a time.
I'll take you home tonight/To the center of your soul
I'll take you home tonight/Fire and flesh and blood
Touching the flames tonight/Touching the flames tonight
Morning star embrace me on these grounds
Angel of light
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I write according to the music I listen to as well; with that story, its main antagonist is present from the word go, but his true nature isn't known until halfway through. I'm tempted to go into great depth but I've got to break the habit of spoiling my stories without actually writing them, so I'll stop at this - think demiurge.

I'd consider this his theme, as it were.

I am the angel I am madness
I am the word I am the law
I am holding truth release your sadness
I am the key I am the door

I'll take you home tonight/To the center of your soul
I'll take you home tonight/Fire and flesh and blood
Touching the flames tonight/Touching the flames tonight
Morning star embrace me on these grounds
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DrFaustus wrote:
Tue May 19, 2020 3:41 pm
The stories I love the most tend to have a hefty dose of surreality, whether it's comedy like in Hitchhiker's Guide or The Color of Magic or something much darker like The Vorrh.

Without giving too much away, my plans for the story I was describing will involve several time slips, as well as glimpses beyond the veil. In fact, one of the central plot threads is that the veil is growing progressively thinner as the land dies. This leads to all kinds of strange things - visions, people becoming suddenly aware of things that were always present but that they couldn't see, etc.

I find short chapters tend to work best, too. I don't like filling space just to fill space. Some things are best processed a little at a time.
As far as story-telling goes I'm into gothic fiction, existentialist literature, absurdist stuff. I read a lot of material with embedded commentary on a long-past political/social climate. One could say I feel misplaced in the current era, but I could also say I find a lot of parallels in older work that are reasonably eternal in their applications.
I appreciate stories with a surrealist turn as well, which also tend to fall into the gothic arenas I explore; Les Chants de Maldoror being a particular fav. There is a whole dimension of darkly divine/shadow illumination nestled in that work which can very provocatively waken a person.

I've been recommended the Hitchhiker's Guide books for some time but keep putting that off, maybe it's about the occasion to check them out.

I'm intrigued by the high-strangeness that your story sounds like it is going to veer into. Will definitely be interested to read it.
"Do you even know that I know everything? I can see you like a.. sponge."

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I personally write song lyrics, which are of course their own kind of poetry. As well as ritual invocations and other poetic and magical type writing. I do enjoy writing short stories and prose as well, but I haven't done that in awhile. Some of my song lyrics are over on my private blog.
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