A Christian Who Talks to Demons

Questions and Answers for where to begin on the Darker Spiritual Paths.

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:devilshock: Who would imagine a title like that? :lol:

I have felt inclined to talk about this more as time has gone on. If you are familiar with my readings and have had one by me, there is a chance you might have found out that I hold close relations with the Archangels. I also have mentioned a bit of my beliefs here and there on video and random posts.

Anyways, that is my background and level of respect for the belief system. So you will never hear me bad mouth Christianity to empower the Left Hand Path. I personally believe both have their place and there is something to be said, in my opinion. To be able to have a balanced way of spiritual life, being able to not simply walk the Left Handed path or the Right Handed path. To choose to walk directly in the middle like I am a tightrope walker, arms extended out to both my Left and my Right. I proudly embrace both sides and welcome the beliefs of both with arms open wide.

To me personally, I think about a person who died for us. Jesus. To be put on the cross, tortured, humiliated and killed. To be able to have these things happen but still look the people in the eyes and say "I forgive you. I love you." I legitimately get teary eyed thinking about it now as I type this. That is absolutely beautiful in such a dark, sad way. I can see it and appreciate every facet of this experience because I am tightrope walking between both sides.

Now, you can twist the story and have numerous kinds of discussions. There are more ways that one can decipher the bible and the experiences than there are bibles, and there are a lot of printed bibles. But I am not interested in that. What way you choose to break down the bible and it's stories are not my business. I am happy with my translation of it for how it serves me and my life. :devillove:

I am not sure what more I need to express on the subject. I guess I don't really have much of a point to this post other than letting those who might feel... lost? confused? outcasted? conflicted? on their beliefs. I simply just would like to let it be known to the silent, secluded tightrope walkers, that they are not alone. :) That it is okay and is quite possible to walk that tightrope without being ridiculed or pushed to the side. :devillove:
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(Can we also appreciate that in an entire post speaking of christianity the emojis that I used are 'devillove' throughout the entire post while posting it on a website with the word 'Satan' in the name? :lol: )
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I honestly think that a person's path is unique to them. I have no issue with anyone's personal beliefs as long as they don't proselytize and attempt to override the spirituality and culture of others.

Speaking personally, I could never work successful magick with or resonate with Angels. I always had a disapproving cold feeling if I tried to meditate or just dwelt too long on them. To put it bluntly they repelled me (especially Michael), even as someone who was loosely Wiccan and not yet identifying as a theistic Satanist.

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TaipanTwist wrote:
Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:09 pm
I honestly think that a person's path is unique to them. I have no issue with anyone's personal beliefs as long as they don't proselytize and attempt to override the spirituality and culture of others.

Speaking personally, I could never work successful magick with or resonate with Angels. I always had a disapproving cold feeling if I tried to meditate or just dwelt too long on them. To put it bluntly they repelled me (especially Michael), even as someone who was loosely Wiccan and not yet identifying as a theistic Satanist.

Which I think is completely understandable! Just how I feel working with demons isn't for everyone, working with angels isn't for everyone either. I personally have nothing but positive experiences working with both; but some may have different experiences for the simple fact that the energies don't mesh. There are other more specific reasons that other people have for why they can't or don't feel comfortable connecting with one energy or another, but I leave that to the individual to explain that as I don't know their story, nor is it my business. :lol:

I think it's just important to note that just because you work with one path, doesn't mean you can't incorporate other paths. So often I hear people speak of feeling drawn or called to some aspect or being on the LHP but don't because they still resonate with aspects of christian belief.

Or the assumption that if you walk the LHP then there is a level of obligation to look down on Christianity. It's because I have such a deep relationship with Christianity (among other belief systems) that I personally believe the aspects that I walk of the LHP are not only enhanced and gives me a deeper appreciation; but also gives me such a unique, individuality to my path which is something SO insanely empowering.

I ask anyone who speaks of negatively of a spiritual belief system,

Are your negative views based on personal experiences with the belief system itself? Or are they based on the personal experiences of individuals who practice that belief system?

I guess I have the view of, If I was able to give working with demons a chance over 7 years ago and ignore the popularly writings that looked down on the belief system; and base it off of my own experiences with the beings themselves instead. I think it's only fair of me to give that same, equal chance to every other belief system.
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All very valid points which of course they should be as they are all personal beliefs and experiences x

Personally I wish everyone could be as accepting as we are on here, wouldn't that make for a lovely world.

I was raised in a Christian hold hold and felt obligated to get confirmed when I was 12. I also felt I had to get 3 of my children christianed because well that was what you did in our family and hubby's. One of our children was actually dedicated in a sacred First Nation River in Bear River NS by our close friend whose elder brother was the current Chief at the time.

When asked my beliefs and who I am I very often reply that I am me. The answer is that simple. I learn and research, I pay respect to my Romany heritage and adore Tarot and other forms of divination, my nan once said that a church is just a building made of bricks, but spirituality is to experience life and grow. I hold this to still be true. I am at my core a witch. I see and hear things and well just know things. I have and do channel spirits and deities, but I also do not disrespect my parents and their beliefs, we still as a family go to Christingle etc and celebrate Xmas, at home we live more pagan lifestyle - honour the old gods and the seasons, the otherworldly folk etc. I have been a Wiccan and was being trained to be a HPS, I turn to the ancient Sumerian texts of creation of Tiamat and her Consult, of Marduk and of Enki and Enil. I work with demons and wonder still if the 72 Goetia are indeed the primordial pagan Gods.

So my beliefs are a mixed bag. I neither work RHP or LHP but am in the middle, sometimes I may lean more onside than the other but in the end it all balances out ~ my own Ying and Yang.

I am ME.


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This post hits home for me, Velca. I don’t understand why they think we need to fight—demons, Fallen angels, among others going after the Christian church. Then if you talk to demons or have companions, you are going to the fiery pits of hell...really??? I just listened to someone’s near-death experience, and she claims Michael Jackson Is being tormented in hell and the demons moonwalk in hell, and they taught him how to moonwalk. Michael did not learn how to moonwalk from demons. It's ridiculous to say that. It's like there is a force giving the infernal’s a lousy name and waging war against Christians.

You'll get countless stories, ex satanist becoming Christian, ex Illuminati being a Christian and a popular one Doreen Virtue becoming Christian claiming tarot cards and the lightest way in New Age leads to hell, and she was wrong. She's advising us to burn her books. This can be discouraging. Why can't there be a middle ground? Then a confirmed which claims there is no middle ground. She's on the Art Bell show. What she has to say is hugely troubling.

Your post brings a better perspective, Metatron is middle ground, right? I’m happy you have successful people in your family. Thanks again for sharing!
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All persons walk a Path. To be alive in the world is the material manifestation of the Souls desire to evolve and grow. When we decide to choose a Path, we accelerate that growth. We are saying "I am a Spiritual Being. My body, my life, my place in the world, and what I CHOOSE to do with it are all part of my Path. I am completely free to choose my Path, there are no restrictions except those I allow to restrict me, for whatever reason."

Right Hand Path, Left Hand Path. To consciously choose a Path is to consciously choose to seek Truth. Humans lie. Theology is nothing more than the institutionalization of self-serving lies. True Demons and Angels do not lie because They have chosen, of Their own free will, to teach us and aid us on our Paths. Our Spiritual evolution is Their Spiritual evolution.

I believe that all the persons on this board (who stick around) are here because they have evolved beyond the need to cling to any theology in their desire to seek Truth. This manifests in a desire to associate with beings who do NOT lie.

I have only recently come to realize that interacting with Angels has not "worked" for me in the past, irregardless of how badly I wanted it to, and I REALLY wanted it to for a long,long time, because They could see my True Nature, my True Path. They did not "refuse" to work with me, They simply said "He's a nice guy, but he needs to work with Lord Satan and demons. That's his Path. He'll get there in his own time."

They were right.
"Push something hard enough...and it will fall over."
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“All art that is not mere storytelling or mere portraiture is symbolic...If you liberate a person or a landscape from the bonds of motives and their actions, causes and their effects...it will change under your eyes, and become a symbol of infinite emotion, a perfected emotion, a part of the Dark Divine Essence.”

William Butler Yeats

(The italicized word “dark” is my addition.)
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is your aunt respect satanisme and other lefthand path too?
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There are a number of folk traditions that have revolved around the duality of christian and luciferian concepts, faith and magic, in equal measure for a very long time. Syncretism of these practices, or otherwise engaging with both 'sides' of this equation is not unusual when looking at traditional witchcraft and ancient sorcery, or beliefs peppered throughout several cultures rooted much in knowledge passed down through the ancestors. The mentality may be different from one to another when it comes to how they view the 'sides' they engage with, this is the more notable distinction.
In those cases both sides are part of a whole picture and there is particular significance or purpose when entreating each. Some merely see this as taking advantage of the force which will get the job done or is appropriate to what they are handling in their lives. They can appreciate both because both offer them something of worth depending on their situation, and knowing both interact with our world --being a fact of existence.
Traditionally, the 'Devil' dealt in magical power, taking magic into your own hands whereas 'God' dealt in cosmic power; alternatively a witch may see it as God/the Saints/the Angels dealing in powers of 'light' whereas the Devil, his retinue and the demons were dealing in powers of 'dark'. Certainly there have been accounts where the same witch that would cast to heal your wounds could turn around and curse your crops, and all of this might have been ultimately considered the power of God but it was the Devil who was said to have endowed one with knowledge of those darker acts or awakened the ability to have success with the dark arts.

An insight into the history of the occult, understanding traditions of magic or culture where this was/is common would be beneficial to formally identify what path one resonates with based on their actual practices.

For the purpose of providing reasonable guidance I think the above stated is a vastly more key contemplation than just saying a Christian can harmoniously speak with demons. I think it is inaccurate to portray oneself of the Christian faith while simultaneously placing demons in an equal regard, in these terms at least. One may have respect for and maintain involved in concepts of christianity. A full-on Christian is not going to be casually talking to and loving up or adoring of demons. In reality when one is legitimately straddling the line in respect to or engagement with both, I'd suggest they're not 'both' this and that, but something else altogether.

When using the terms of RHP and LHP to define areas of christianity vs. satanism, it is important to contextualize their distinction within the topic. In terms of belief, one for the most part focuses on an outer divinity and finding union with that divinity while the other talks about inner divinity and holding power independent of 'source' or breaking away from source.
Theistic Satanists who worship demons/Satan and believe their full state of power is laying in stasis in a divine realm under the domain of Satan would be considered heavily leaning within RHP, relying on the power of Satan and demons as a means to bridge that.
Luciferians on the other hand, as a relevant example are more likely to be identified with the LHP given that system is more about coming into your own power or awakening magical blood from within, and this is consistent with ideals of traditional witchcraft, establishing in part how the power of God can form one equal side of the coin to the power of the 'Devil' within those traditions. So if we were discussing talking to demons from that viewpoint as one who simultaneously acknowledges the power of the Christian faith, it would make more sense.
However, in the case where one is coming from a tradition which deals with calling on God for aid, guidance or support you're really not that far off from a tradition calling on Satan for aid, guidance or support. And vice versa... I see a lot of people easily jump from one to the other and they aren't going to be able to straddle the line between both under that particular mentality. If you are to regard both in your practice it isn't reasonable to 'worship or revere' both, hence you're not going to be a straight-up Christian and Satanist at the same time. You're more than likely going to lean a certain way, or the tradition you're working is neither of these things but rather regards the school of the Witch.
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Darth Moronius wrote:
Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:26 am
is your aunt respect satanisme and other lefthand path too?
She is! I make it no secret to the entirety of my practices. I really am blessed to have an aunt that is as accepting as she is honestly.


I appreciate your response but I am struggling to fully understand your post in it's entirety so I will respond to the bits I do understand and perhaps in your response (if you do!) it'll clarify things so I can give you a complete response.

But there is one part that I would like to take out and respond to:
A full-on Christian is not going to be casually talking to and loving up or adoring of demons. In reality when one is legitimately straddling the line in respect to or engagement with both, I'd suggest they're not 'both' this and that, but something else altogether.
This part is confusing me a bit. I am not sure if you're saying that my practices are something else entirely and what I identify as isn't actually the case.

Who is defining what it is to be a christian? "What being a christian means to me is...." something that is said all the time and creates a wonderful dialogue to how someone personally translates the bible.

It reminds me very much so of extremely judgmental christians professing what it means to be a christian in their eyes and if you do not match their views, then you cannot claim to be a christian. :lol: :lol:

If we were to go by the dictionary definition of what a Christian is -
relating to or professing Christianity or its teachings.
In my case, I do both. ^_^ I am absolutely sure I am not by some people's standard of what a christian is, but I feel like that was part of the point of my post entirely. BECAUSE of the fact that one is denied being able to self identify the beliefs they have. BECAUSE there are numerous people trying to tell us how they choose to categorize us based off of rules that each individual create from themselves and then project onto other people.

And this last part here:
If you are to regard both in your practice it isn't reasonable to 'worship or revere' both, hence you're not going to be a straight-up Christian and Satanist at the same time. You're more than likely going to lean a certain way, or the tradition you're working is neither of these things but rather regards the school of the Witch.

I am not really sure quite what to make of this. Perhaps it's the fault of my own wording if I ever implied that I am a "straight-up" anything. I figured it went without saying that I am not "straight-up" anything because I am balancing both. "Straight-up" implies a full commitment to that belief.

This also feels very dismissal of my beliefs and practices to say that it is not possible to be able to respect and honor both sides. Again, this is where I am sure clarification would be valuable. As this all feels extremely uncomfortable in telling a person what their beliefs are and what is possible in their practices based off of unidentified rules. Clarity from you would be greatly appreciated because I am sure the way that this is being perceived is not your intentions as the way I am currently perceiving this all is quite literally the reason I felt compelled to share and connect with the multitude of people who resonated deeply with my post. For it not being possible to do both, it's fabulous to see our community is able to do the impossible :devillove:
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I feel like Noct means a person can't be neutral/for both sides equally. That a person is going to lean one way or the other, even if its a subtle and slight lean in one of the paths. But I was just passively reading the quotes, so I might be interpreting differently.
Magic is really very simple, all you've got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.
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