Charons Lake of Death

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So, I just woke up and dont have any paper or writing utensils near me to record the dream I had just moments ago; however, I do have my computer next to me, so im going to record it here.

Lake of death...

A monotonous tone stringing together simple syntax with rather dismal prose, to a roomful of students lost more so to their own thoughts than the monotony of it all. This woman is neither artful in here speech nor is she adequately passionate about the subject on hand to reach them in the worlds they feel in control of--she is incapable of breaching those barriers. My soulmate is here with me, but she is not the focus, this time. This defeated women, relegated by the statues that sit motionless before her now regards only me--about the project at hand. Admittedly, I have had the project finished for some time now, but did not bring a hard copy with me and my attempts to pull it up on my phone bare no fruit; such is the way of electronics in this ghost world that thrives in the foreshadows of my mind--laying dormant before open eyes.

Partners, soulmates, she is of a unique beauty--radiantly, confidently, omnipotently uniquely beautiful. For my forgetfulness, we are paired for the task at hand. She is of similar height to I, similar eye color as I, similar feelings as I--but does her heart beat with the ferocity of thunder like mine? Do her cheeks and body radiate the same heat like mine? Alas, these answers matter not; she is the focus of a life worth living but not this dream. Our project, to survive the waters that lay but 40 feet below the rooms entrance.

One by one, the motionless statues get up to present their answers--simple and half assed, none show any attempt to face the problem at hand with any true value. Now it is our turn, or more aptly it is her turn--for I have brought nothing and she willingly supports me in despite of my negligence. Her solution is full of intent, it fully represents the time she spent on a task she felt worthy of her; however, her solutions are not for immediate resolve, it will be years before they blossom into anything viable. Class dismissed.

The walkway outside the classroom is made of metal, a pathetic barrier from the lake positioned only 40-50 feet below. A lake to which we all know, entrance, would lead to a most dismal fate--a most gruesome death to be feared by all.


The sun hangs low in the sky, the sky does not grace us with it cool embrace, and the world plays no songs. On the metal walk way just outside the classroom, I find her. Overlooking the lake, a thick fog of betrayal lingers around her; unbeknownst to me and any near. Her anger for me resonates in her voice; yet, so does her despair and I receive both with the brevity of a blizzard--cold, penetrating, and defeating. No, this is not the end of us, this I know, this we feel. She departs and I stand motionless, a statue in the wake of an unmovable force waiting to whether the times.


A woman, she falls from the heavens. Out of reach but not out of sight; she conjures helplessness but her fate is sealed; she makes her way from sky to lake, even now Charon makes his way to her side. Hesitation, a cold steely hand grips--encompasses--around me; a primal fear, not belonging to death but loss; it holds fast to me as the woman falls, a wounded bird falling from a sea of blue to lake of black; motionless, yet again I am a statue frozen in the face of fear; yet again, I fear the loss of a love I have never owned; for the last time I hesitate in the face of my tormentor--never again will I hold myself back. Break and shatter, the mold that kept me still holds me no longer and with a slight movement forward, we are both falling. The waters embrace me as an old lover. Fervently, a propel myself though black waters, but it is not death I fear--it is failing to save this women that nips at my heels. I get closer and closer to where she was engulfed by the waters; closer still, I can not see into the abyss; I can not feel the life leaving her body; she is not alone though, more are with her, I can feel them. Rise, I raise myself onto the nearby rocks that form the canyon at the opposite end of the lake; from below I was blind but now from above, I see all. Four bodies, three men and the women--she lies at the bottom of the lake on a wrecked wooden boat--leap. I go deeper and deeper still till I am directly above her; motionless, a fallen statue she lies on the deck of the boat. I grasp her and bring her forth from the waters of death.

Emergence, we come forth from the waters, I the same and she different; her body is no longer that of the beautiful women that graced the bottom of the lake; now she is rotting, flesh peeling from her bones--slowly she is withering away in my hands. Gently, I lay her down on the sands near the lake and return to death to retrieve the three. It is no different with the others; in the absence of the weight of the world from whence they came, they rot. In despair I make a discovery, the rocks formation opposite to the classroom I emerged from are raised by stone stairs that spill out onto small rock plateau that overlooks the lake. I have failed but, in truth, we can not save the past; just as we can not rectify the dead at peace. The plateau, I place the bodies their, to over look the lake of death. Small, young, a boy comes out of a nearby rock formation to greet me; his skin as beautiful as the black lake and just as silent. Motionless he stands in watch over me, but by the fourth he changes. A voice to deep for someone of his age booms forth.

Child: "Four are crossing"

He than dissapears back into the rock--replaced by a man, a guard of sort, to chase me away...

Thank you, this is for my records ;)
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Wow Beautiful script Christian :devilviolin: :cuteghost:
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