Venoms Bite: review?

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Okay, so I finally used the "Venom's bite:Banishment Spell Candle" candle I received earlier. I had been having trouble thinking of what to use it to rid myself of for a while. I was worried I would use it on the wrong thing and not have it anymore. First I wanted to use it in to help lose some weight, but I actually started working out more and that has been taking care of itself. I also considered using it to try getting rid of procrastination but couldn't get myself to agree that this was the best choice. I was effectively at an impass; what did I do? Well, I seeked council of course lol. I have a nexus for the DL that I seeked council with whom I have been going to for help in more and more often recently. So, I connected with General Satanachia asking what he would suggest I use the candle to rid myself of. After going over a few things current in my life he suggested I use it for self doubt. Now, this was complicated to me at first and confused me a bit. So, I asked how self doubt was so "Blocking" in my life. He went over briefly what we discussed and touched briefly on the sense that the root for most if not all my current problems was self doubt.

So, despite still being a little confused I decided to use it on self doubt anyways--I trust him immensely so this was not hard in the slightest. Before beginning the actuall ritual, I began by anthropomorphizing my "self doubt". I "sculpted" it into a miniature version of myself and gave it certain qualities that would fit the idea of the personification of "self doubt". I did this until I had a very good idea of my self doubt being a more tanglible aspect in my day to day. I also started to notice where it would creep up and cause problems. So, now that I had my "item" I got what I needed.

Not sure if this is or isn't allowed in my review, it is more of a suggestion for someone who has the candle I guess--I would understand if the post was removed as well....

So, for the glass item of the rite I used an old glass milk bottle with a small circular opening. I drew the sigil directly onto the bottle and placed the candle atop the bottle opening. Seeing as how water is polar I had imagined that at least some of the energy from the candle would be automatically drawn to the water below. Hahaha kinda like some sort of energy siphon lol. I lit the candle said my "piece" and let the candle burn out atop the glass bottle. Once it was fully burned down I drank the water--I was admittedly a little confused about whether or not I waited till the candle burned out completely or not before drinking the water. Either way, I made my choice and think it still worked.

Since, doing using the candle, I have found an increase in overall confidence in myself. My abilities as a rider have increased, my abilities as a student have also increased. In addition my communication with my demons has also grown very well! All, in all this little candle in the short time since I have used have made some rather wonderful changes already. In addition as not much time has gone by I will follow up on this eventually in the future as well ^-^

Can get the pic up not matter how much I resize lol, sorry!
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Christian wrote:Okay, so I finally used the "Venom's bite:Banishment Spell Candle" candle I received earlier. I had been having trouble thinking of what to use it to rid myself of for a while. I was worried I would use it on the wrong thing and not have it anymore. First I wanted to use it in to help lose some weight, but I actually started working out more and that has been taking care of itself. I also considered using it to try getting rid of procrastination but couldn't get myself to agree that this was the best choice. I was effectively at an impass; what did I do? Well, I seeked council of course lol. I have a nexus for the DL that I seeked council with whom I have been going to for help in more and more often recently. So, I connected with General Satanachia asking what he would suggest I use the candle to rid myself of. After going over a few things current in my life he suggested I use it for self doubt. Now, this was complicated to me at first and confused me a bit. So, I asked how self doubt was so "Blocking" in my life. He went over briefly what we discussed and touched briefly on the sense that the root for most if not all my current problems was self doubt.

So, despite still being a little confused I decided to use it on self doubt anyways--I trust him immensely so this was not hard in the slightest. Before beginning the actuall ritual, I began by anthropomorphizing my "self doubt". I "sculpted" it into a miniature version of myself and gave it certain qualities that would fit the idea of the personification of "self doubt". I did this until I had a very good idea of my self doubt being a more tanglible aspect in my day to day. I also started to notice where it would creep up and cause problems. So, now that I had my "item" I got what I needed.

Not sure if this is or isn't allowed in my review, it is more of a suggestion for someone who has the candle I guess--I would understand if the post was removed as well....

So, for the glass item of the rite I used an old glass milk bottle with a small circular opening. I drew the sigil directly onto the bottle and placed the candle atop the bottle opening. Seeing as how water is polar I had imagined that at least some of the energy from the candle would be automatically drawn to the water below. Hahaha kinda like some sort of energy siphon lol. I lit the candle said my "piece" and let the candle burn out atop the glass bottle. Once it was fully burned down I drank the water--I was admittedly a little confused about whether or not I waited till the candle burned out completely or not before drinking the water. Either way, I made my choice and think it still worked.

Since, doing using the candle, I have found an increase in overall confidence in myself. My abilities as a rider have increased, my abilities as a student have also increased. In addition my communication with my demons has also grown very well! All, in all this little candle in the short time since I have used have made some rather wonderful changes already. In addition as not much time has gone by I will follow up on this eventually in the future as well ^-^

Can get the pic up not matter how much I resize lol, sorry!
' Thanks for Sharing Christian Experience with the Venoms Bite Candle Congrats having So much Success Come from you using this Candle Your ,, The third person that's Tried this Candle and It Worked out Great for them its always Good reading Reviews like Yours When your thinking about Ordering . The Same Candle because ' I am thinking long about Ordering The Venoms Bite Candle myself :D
I Have Won Sinner Of The Month Five Times Now ' My Grandmother Always Said either Stand For Something are You Will Fall for Anything ' I am not Just Walking My path . I am Living it !
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fantastic share Christian, it has been wonderful to read your posts and see you change and morph so much. I hope you are proud of yourself and all of your accomplishments.

I am glad you shared how you used the candle, i would love for all of us to share little things we each do and try in our workings. As we all know magick is highly personal but it can be daunting if you just don't know how to start a ritual. Sometimes all it takes is reading something like this to get going.
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thank you for sharing this, it was exactly what I was looking for :devilgrin:
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Thank you for sharing your experience. :)devil:

I'm happy it's working for you.

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Oh man I didn't even think of using the candle I got like that. Guess I'll have to get another one when I can.
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Red6joker wrote:Oh man I didn't even think of using the candle I got like that. Guess I'll have to get another one when I can.
I bought a copy bag along with mine, and use it with all the 3 candles I have from Akelta.
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Thank you for sharing that experience. I'm very glad you got the result you sought and that the DL was able to help you bring it into focus.
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(The italicized word “dark” is my addition.)
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