I'm glad this is finally coming out

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If any of you follow the news there's been bits here and there about UFO's finally being taken seriously by the US government.

https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/10994109 ... telligence

Some of what's in the article:

"A database of reports of UFOs now includes about 400 incidents, up from 143 assessed in a report released about a year ago, a Navy intelligence official told lawmakers at a congressional hearing on Tuesday."

"Many of the latest entries do not have sensor data — they're from people coming forward with older stories that they chose not to report at the time, Bray said. That's evidence that the military's drive to destigmatize such reports is working, he added."

"Tuesday's session, the first public hearing on UFOs in more than 50 years, also included testimony from Ronald S. Moultrie, the Pentagon's top intelligence official. He noted the competing needs for transparency and secrecy in the hearing."

"It's the first congressional hearing held on the subject since a push by then-Rep. Gerald Ford led to an Air Force report and hearing in 1969."

This is such a relief to me. It sucks when those who have tried to report seeing these things get ridiculed and stigmatized.

Even though the government wants to keep secrecy to a degree, I hope they share a good amount of the information they have. This is so fascinating, and like one of those interviewed for the article, I think many would want to know what's out there.
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I think that UFOs Lizard ppl Spirits
r just different names for the same entities

The entities just adapt to human perception:
the more ppl believe in UFOs the more they’ll
Appear as such

But their inner nature stays the same
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Carl Sagan was a hard-core skeptic, and even he said there was a mathematical probability of nearly a million advanced civilizations in our own galaxy alone.

The problem is that, by his estimation, the average distance between them would be on the order of several hundred light-years. So the question isn't so much about whether or not other civilization might exist, so much as whether or not there are any close enough to be aware of our existence and whether they would have the resources and inclination to travel that far abroad to see us.

And even then, unless they have the technology to travel at relativistic speeds, or beyond, the distances would make the journey impractical, at best.

And why Earth?
There's no cosmic law that says they have to be even remotely like us.
A silicon-based race would probably look at Earth much the same way that we see Pluto.
A place where life as they know could only exist in subterranean volcanic regions that would take to long to seek out when Venus looks like a much more promising possibility.

Another thing I've often wondered about is what if it's true that life was intentionally seeded on Earth by some advanced civilization billions of years ago?
What would we say to each-other if we ever met them?

They would be a couple billion years ahead of us on the evolutionary scale, and so they would be like gods to us; and to them, we would be the descendants of bacteria that their ancient ancestors (themselves, barely more than bacteria to them) engineered billions of years ago
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Dragonoake wrote:
Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:00 pm
Carl Sagan was a hard-core skeptic, and even he said there was a mathematical probability of nearly a million advanced civilizations in our own galaxy alone.

The problem is that, by his estimation, the average distance between them would be on the order of several hundred light-years. So the question isn't so much about whether or not other civilization might exist, so much as whether or not there are any close enough to be aware of our existence and whether they would have the resources and inclination to travel that far abroad to see us.

And even then, unless they have the technology to travel at relativistic speeds, or beyond, the distances would make the journey impractical, at best.
All good points for sure.

And my response to your quote above is that may be why they are drones? From the article, "None of the documented objects had attempted to communicate with U.S. aviators, and no attempt had been made to communicate with them, he said, as they all appeared to be unmanned."

Also, I've had these discussions with my wife, and she tells me that many spiritualists and philosophers, such as Gurdjieff, say this is an unfortunate area of the universe. The other intelligent life forms may be curious as to what we are doing but don't really want to interact with us too much.
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At this point there is no way to know whether we are among the most advanced races in our stellar neighborhood, or maybe we are just a bunch of perplexingly unruly children compared to those around us

Imagine that sixty light-years from here, on the planet Tzong, scientists are watching the TV shows we broadcast in the late-50's and early-60's...
We won't worry about how big a dish (or how much tinfoil) they'd need to get a decent signal, but they're sitting there watching "Leave It To Beaver", "I Love Lucy", "Kukla, Fran, and Ollie", and "Howdy Doody" along with some really funky commercials.
If that's all they know us by, can you imagine what they would think about life on Earth?
Avoid that planet, Splorch. They're nuts!!
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Wynd Runner wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 6:13 am
And my response to your quote above is that may be why they are drones?
That makes perfect sense to me.
A probe is cheaper and simpler to build, and you don't have to worry too much about how long it takes to get there. And if something goes wrong, you just write it off and send out another one.
We send out probes and rovers long before we think about tackling the technical issues involved in sending out actual astronauts, so why wouldn't they do the same?
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Dragonoake wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:26 am
If that's all they know us by, can you imagine what they would think about life on Earth?
Avoid that planet, Splorch. They're nuts!!
:devilparty: :crazy: :devilgrin: :lol:

Yes, for sure! LOL
Dragonoake wrote:
Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:26 am
A probe is cheaper and simpler to build, and you don't have to worry too much about how long it takes to get there. And if something goes wrong, you just write it off and send out another one.
Yes, that's exactly what I was getting at.
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I'm glad to see the topic and investigations are not dying away.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/technolo ... ial-space/

Highlights from the article:

"The space agency would bring a scientific perspective to efforts already underway by the Pentagon and intelligence agencies to make sense of dozens of such sightings, Thomas Zurbuchen, the head of NASA’s science mission directorate, said during a speech before the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. He said it was “high-risk, high-impact” research that the space agency should not shy away from, even if it is a controversial field of study."

- It's not controversial anymore now that the Pentagon (US DoD) is taking it seriously! lol

"The limited number of such observations makes it difficult “to draw scientific conclusions about the nature of such events,” NASA said in a statement. "

- I remember from the previous article that more people are coming forward now that this is finally being taken seriously.

"Still, NASA said it wants to apply scientific rigor to a vexing issue that has been a fixation for generations. Studying UAPs fits into the agency’s mission of looking for signs of life beyond Earth, from studying water on Mars to exploring the moons of Saturn and Jupiter, the agency said."

- That's refreshing someone wants "to apply scientific rigor" to this and add another perspective rather than the US DoD asking, "Can they blow us up? Can we blow them up?" or so seemed to be implied when the previous article mentioned the US DoD going on about "national security."

"“It’s clear that in a traditional type of science environment, talking about some of these issues may be considered a kind of selling out, or kind of talking about things that are not actual science,” he (Zurbuchen) said. “I just really vehemently oppose that. I really believe that the quality of science is not only measured by the outputs that come behind it, but also the questions we’re willing to tackle with science."

- This is actually really good. That's how one grows, asking questions and testing theories even if they fly in the face of convention.

This is how we learned the world was not flat, how we leaned we were not the center of the universe (though many still act that way), and how we have continued to learn so many things since.

"NASA’s effort will be led by David Spergel, president of the Simons Foundation in New York City and previously the chair of the astrophysics department at Princeton University, and Daniel Evans, the assistant deputy associate administrator for research at NASA’s science mission directorate. The study, to begin in the fall, will last about nine months and cost no more than $100,000, NASA said. Zurbuchen said it will be independent from efforts by the Pentagon."

- That's great it will be independent of the US DoD.

"Spergel said there isn’t a working hypothesis going into the study that would explain the UAPs. 'I would say the only preconceived notion I have coming into this is that you should be open to the idea that we’re looking at several different phenomena,' he said. 'There’s a wide range of what may be accounting for these events.' "

- That's good they are openly talking about having an open mind about it rather than stating they have an agenda, which they may still have, but we'll see.

There may not be much that gets released to the public (one can only hope), but I'm glad it is all finally being looked into.
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Here's another article about UFOs / UAPs:

https://www.cbsnews.com/news/roswell-uf ... -dispatch/

It talks about the Roswell incident and mentions we are coming up to its 75th anniversary.

It would be great if government information about it finally came out to the public, at least some of it.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed on this one! Also the more I think about NASA and them doing a scientific review of the information, I hope they don't try to bury it to divert the public's attention. I guess we'll see.

I would love to know more about all of this stuff.
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The United States Senate recently held both a closed-door hearing, as well as an open door hearing, on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), formerly known as UFO's.

The Director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, publicly made the statement, “I should also state clearly for the record that in our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology, or objects that defy the known laws of physics.”

He further said, “In the event sufficient scientific data were ever obtained that a UAP encountered can only be explained by extraterrestrial origin, we are committed to working with our interagency partners at NASA to appropriately inform the U.S. Government’s leadership of its findings.”

My thoughts on this are that most of what is going on out there is likely beyond our technological ability to measure and analyze. Most of what we get is eye-witness accounts with a few recordings here and there.

And yes, eye-witness testimony can be subjective, basically biased.

The good news is that Dr. Kirkpatrick says, "In the event sufficient scientific data were ever obtained . . . " which means the government agency is open to such things.

The surprising thing that happened is that Dr. Kirkpatrick shared some of the US Pentagon's data, sighting trends between 1996 through 2023. The information shared included the most common shapes reported along with size, color, and speed. A few videos of unidentified aerial phenomena were also shown during the Senate hearing.

Here is the article detailing what I shared and more:

https://thedebrief.org/here-are-the-maj ... phenomena/
"Will you spill the wine
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Darkness at the Heart of my Love - Ghost
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